The Perfect Date Pt. 1

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Astrid's P.O.V.

After breakfast Hiccup helped my in the car and we drove off to who knows where!

"Hiccy? Where are we going?" I ask.

"Can't tell you." He says taking a glance at me.

"Why not?"

"Because it's a surprise." He chuckles.

"Can't you just tell me?" I'm gonna do everything I can to get him to spill.

"Nope! That would only ruin the surprise! And the more you ask, the more I'll refuse." He smirks.

"Your no fun!" I pout and sit back in my seat with my arms crossed. I can hear Hiccup chuckle a bit. "What are you laughing at?" I ask.

"You're cute like that." He says, making me blush.

"Shut up!" I say, pouting even more.

"Aww! Come on!" He chuckles more and gives me a quick smile. I smile back and look out the window.

As I look out the window, I feel something brush against my hand and hold it. I look down at my hand to see Hiccup holding it. I look up and smile at him. He lifts my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too!" I lean over and place a kiss on his cheek.

About 5 minutes later, Hiccup pulls into a skating rink parking lot. He turns the car off and sticks the keys in his pocket as he gets out of the car.

"Why are we here?" I ask him as he helps me out of the vehicle.

"We're going ice skating." He smiles.

"Hiccup, I don't skate." I tell him.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you." He says kissing my cheek.

"Okay." I take a deep breath as we enter the warm building next to it. It's filled with skates and a little snack bar, along with hot cocoa and coffee.

We get our skates and sit in one of the empty chairs. Hiccup sits next to me and takes his shoes off. I do the same and slide the skates on. I stop and look at the skate with the laces in each of my hands.

"Need help?" Hiccup asks. I nod my head and he chuckles. He gets down onto his knees and puts my foot in between his legs. He ties it and does the same to the other.

"Thanks babe!" I kiss his as he sits back down to put his skates on.

"Your welcome M'lady!" He says. He ties his skates on and he stands up. "Shall we?" He holds out his hand for me, which I gladly take.

We head out to the rink and Hiccup lets go of my hand and takes a step onto the ice. He skates in a quick circle before skating around.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm just warming up!" He says.

"Mind helping me?" I ask. He chuckles and skates back to me. He holds out his hand and puts the other behind his back.

"M'lady." He says. I giggle and take his hand. I slowly step onto the ice. Once I put my other foot onto the ice, I slip bhteut only to be caught by Hiccup. "Careful!"

"Really?" I ask sarcasticly.

"Come on, I'll help you!" He grabs my other hand and starts skating backwards.

After awhile with a bunch of falls and catches-mostly falls- I finally get the hang of it. Hiccup stays next to me and holds my hand. Every now and then he would let go and do a trick in front of me, making me giggle. (In video above) He would also have his occasinal falls like I do. After each trick, he would come up and kiss me, making me giggle even more.

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