The Duets Project

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Great job today class!" Mrs. Gilmore spoke to the half attentive group of kids. "Now, we will be having a project due next week."

Once hearing that, everybody groaned, including me.

"This will be a group project." She continues. Everybody cheers until she speaks again. "And I will be choosing your partners! This will hopefully expand your ideas. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time, now do we?"

Most of the students laugh, while others just ignore them and keep their attention on the teacher.

I lean toward Astrid's ear and asked, "What happened last time?"

"The last time we got to chose partners for a music project, half the class didn't do it. So they just made duets out of common known songs. One group did 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'. Lets just say it didn't work out to well." She chuckles a bit.

"Okay class, here are your groups." Our teacher grabs a piece of paper with names on it and starts reading. "First we have Ruffnut Thortson and Fishlegs Ingermen." And so on and so fourth.

While she gives the groups, I can see people cheering and groaning.

"And lastly, Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." She says looking up from the paper. "Now get with your partner and discus the project. And remember, it has to be a duet! Both partners need to participate!"

Everybody starts getting up and head to their partner for the group. I turn to Astrid and smile. She looks so beautiful.

The light from the window glistened on her golden blonde hair. Her ocean blue eyes are like stars sparkling under the moonlight. She has pink tinted on her cheeks and light shade of red on her soft lips. She looks like a goddess.

"Umm, Hiccup?" She spoke taken me out of my daze.


"Your drooling." She giggles a bit.

My eyes widen and I wipe away my drool. I can't believe I was actually drooling! Right in front of her!! Good job Hiccup! That was smooth!

"So, umm who's house should we go to? Mine or yours?" I ask, turning the subject away from me drooling.

"How about yours." She says.

"Okay, that works! You able to come over tonight?" I'm really starting to like this project. I mean I get to have a chance alone with Astrid. And no, it's not what your thinking!

"Yea! What time?" She asks.

"Right after school okay? We could also work on homework too." I suggest.

The bell rings right before she speaks. "Perfect! I'll see you later then!" She grabs her bag and heads out of class.


Astrid's P.O.V.

Yay! I can't believe I'm partners with Hiccup!! I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

I head to the cafeteria to meet up with some of my friends. I find them sitting at our usual table by the window with their lunches.

I head over to the table, lunchbox in hand, and take my usual spot next to Ruff. On the other side of the table are the guys: Tuffnut, Ruff's twin brother, Snotlout, known as the school jock and flirt, and then Fishlegs, the school nerd.

"Hey guys!" I say as I take a seat.

"Hey." They say in unison.

"So, how was the concert Friday night?" Asked Snotlout.

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