Getting Ready

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Happy Snoggletog everybody! Today is Snoggletog and there's a party at the mayor's house. Also known as Hiccup's house. Everybody's gonna be there.

Ruff is bringing her twin brother, Tuffnut. Hiccup is inviting some of his childhood friends, Fishlegs and Nod. His cousin Snotlout is coming. I've invited a few of my friends, Heather and Hope. Punzie is bringing her boyfriend, Eugene. Elsa is bringing her sister Anna, who is bringing her boyfriend Kristoff. Jack is bringing his cousin Toothiana. So basiclly the whole village is coming.

The party starts at 7, and it's only noon right now, so I have time to finish Hiccup's gift and get ready. All I have to do is wrap it. It's a gold pendent with the dragon strike symbol on it. (Pic Above) It's dangles off of a gold chain, so he can wear it around his neck.

Ever since we started dating, I've found out a couple things about him. Things that nobody knows, not even Jack knows. And Jack is Hiccup's best friend, he knows almost everything about him.

I found out that he loves dragons, like me! I also found out that he likes creating things. Like designing and inventing. He says his dad's friend, Gobber, has a forge that he used to work in before he started the band. I've seen some of his work, and they're amazing. I'mm surprised he's never told Jack about it.

I've also learned that Hiccup's past wasn't the best. He lost his mother when he was just a baby, and he never got to spend any quality time with his father due to how busy he is. And he always got picked on when he was in school, mainly in elemantry and middle school. Even his own cousin bullied him! Why would anyone want to pick on Hiccup? I mean, come on! Look at him! He is absolutly amazing!! And I'm not just saying that cause I'm dating him, trust me.

I head upstairs to my room after eating some lunch. I walk into my room and go to my end table next to my bed. I open the drawer and take out a small black box that's big enough to hold a necklace. I run my hand accross the top to the side and open it, reviling Hiccup's pendent. I hope he likes this!

A smile strecths on my face as I start at the gift. I close it and go grab the wrapping paper that I have in my closet. I take it out and cut a big enough piece to wrap the box in. Once wrapping the box, I take a ribbon and wrap it around, tieing a bow to at the top. I grab a tag and write in cursive:

To: My Prince
From: Your Princess

I dotted the 'I's with hearts, giving it the love feel to it. I kiss the tag, leaving a faint outline of my lipgloss, before tieing it onto the gift. I look at it for a moment, thinking of Hiccup's reaction before placing it on my bed. I head back to the closet to grab my clothes for tonight.

As I'm looking through my closet, I hear my phone play Hiccup's ringtone play, meaning he's calling me. I squeal and run towards my bed, jumping on it and grabbing my phone in the process. I catch Hiccup's gift that bounced up when I lept on my bed and answered the call.

A: Hey Babe! Happy Snoggletog!

H: Happy Snoggletog to you too, M'lady! So, I was wondering if you would be able to come early? That way we could spend some time just to ourselves.

A: I would love too!

H: Great! Also, would you like to spend the night tonight?

A: I would love to! But, I gotta ask my Aunt first.

H: Alright!

A: You wait! I'll be right back! I'm gonna go ask.

H: Okay.

I set the phone down on the bed and run downstairs, looking for my Aunt. I find her in the living room sitting in her lounge chair, reading a book. I walk up to her and sit on the arm rest of her chair.

"Hey Astrid. What are you up to? I thought you'd be getting ready for the party tonight." She asks, lifting her head from her book to look at me.

"Well, I was, till I got a call from Hiccup." I say smilling.

"Oh, then of course you can." Did she know what I was gonna ask?

"Of course I can what?" I ask. I want to make sure we are on the same page.

"Of course you can go and spend the night as his house after the party. I'll be heading home early due to my flight being at 10 tomorrow morning." She says.

"That's right! You have that business trip to California,right?"

"Yup! And if you would like, you can have Hiccup stay with you while I'm away." I see a smile form on her lips.

"Thanks so much Aunt Liz! Oh! Can you help me pick an outfit out for tonight? I don't know what to wear." I say hugging her.

"Of course! I'll be up there in a few. Just let me finish this chapter." She turns her head back toward her book.

"Alright!" I give her one last hug before running up the stairs and grabbing my phone. When I enter my room, I can hear Hiccup singing on the other line. I pick the phone up and put it to my ear.

A: I'm back! Miss me?

H: Wha-? Oh, of course M'lady!

A: Well, you know you have an amazing voice.

H: Thanks. Did you hear what I was singing?

A: No, but I did hear you sing.

H: Okay. So what did your Aunt say?

A: She said I could. She also said that you can stay here with me when she leaves for her business trip.

H: Great! Now I don't have to worry about you being alone for 2 weeks.

A: Haha, yup!

H: So I'll see you soon then?

A: Yes, you will! Sorry to disappoint but I have to get ready now.

H: I bet you do. I'll see you later. Love you!

A: Love you too!

I hang up and set the phone down on my bed. I smile and squeal as I think about tonight. My thought get interupted when I hear a knock on my door. I look towards it to find my Aunt Liz leaning against the door frame, smiling

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Now let's go pick out that dress."


Hey Vikings!!

Here's an update! Astrid getting ready for the Snoggletog party at Hiccup's!

Due to me being on break, I'll be updating faster than I normally would!

I'll also be updating 'Forever Friends' and 'Beauty and the Dragon'. So you can expect updates on those as well.

Sorry if it's a short chapter. I just wanted to expand the holiday through a couple of chapters.

Now I have one question for you:

Would you like a Hiccstrid smut scene?

Please let me know! A simple yes or no will be fine.

Now was it good or bad?!

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Well, bye for now Vikings!


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