They're Coming!!

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

4 months ago we found out we were going to have twins. We also got the house we wanted. We moved in a week after we got the call. Some of our friends and our parents all helped us move in. We were even able to get the babies room ready.

I painted one wall pink and the opposite wall a light blue. The two inbetween them are white. I let Astrid pick out the colors and furniture for the babies while I put them together and painted the room. I let her do that because she isn't able to do much do to the pregnancy. We put a crib on each colored wall, both with a princess canopy. One's a light blue and the other is a pink. I'm guessing you can guess which is which. The changing table is on one of the white walls, across from the dressers. We gave them the biggest out of the 3 kid rooms. Astrid and I have the master bedroom, which isn't that far from theirs.

Speaking about Astrid, she is now 9 months pregnant. Meaning that the twins will be born anyday now. Their due date is next week, on Oct. 15. We had the room ready for 2 months now. We were able to get a lot of baby supplies from the baby shower Elsa planed with my cousin Arianna. When Arianna found out, she started freaking out just like Ruff, Elsa, and Punzie.

Arianna has also been helping Astrid when I have to go out and rehearse with the band. Even though Astrid is pregnant, I still have to go make money for us. We don't do big concerts anymore. We just do small gigs every two weeks.

Astrid has also been sleeping alot. I came home from rehearsal one day to find her sleeping on the couch. Our new dogs Toothless and Stormfly in front of her. I would just leave her there and let her sleep most of the time. But other times I'd wake her up and help her upstairs to the bedroom. Sometimes I just carry her up there and end up falling asleep with her.

Astrid lays her head on my shoulder while we watch some TV. Toothless, a black german shepard and Stormfly, a golden retriever, lay at our feet. I have my arm around Astrid's shoulders and the other holding the remote. Her eyes are closed and she sleeps peacefully. I gently lay my head on top of hers.

A few minutes later, I feel Astrid wake up. I lift my head off hers and l look down at her. She scrunches up her face and doubles over a bit. She looks down as I rub her back.

"Astrid? Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Hiccup, they're coming!" She says.


"The babies, they're coming!" She smiles before screaming in pain.

"Oh my! Come on! Let's get you to the hospital!"

I help her up and we head to the car. I help her insde and we drive off to the hospital. Astrid takes deep breaths as I pull into the emergancy entrence. I park the car and help her out. Nurses come running out with a wheelchair and have her sit in it. I move my car into a parking space and head back inside. I text the band and our families before heading to the room Astrid has been brought to.

I walk into the room to see Astrid in the bed with an IV in her arm. I walk up to her and hold her hand. She tightens her grip with every contraction she gets. After about 10 contractions, the doctors say that the babies are ready.

"Okay Astrid, I'm going to need you to push okay?" Says the nurse who's going to help birth the babies.

Astrid nods her head and starts to push. Her grip on my hand tightens and I wince a little. Not enough for her to see though.

~~Hours later~~

"You got it Astird. Just one more push!"

Astrid pushes one more time and we hear the cry of our first child. We both smile as she catches her breath.

Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now