Sleepless And Red

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Astrid's P.O.V.

2 days.

That's all it took. 2 days and I'm already depressed as hell. All I want to do is lock myself in our room and cry all day. Emelie seems to be feeling the same thing as her mother, depressed. Is that even possible? A baby being depressed? I don't see why she wouldn't though, she lost her twin sister. Who wouldn't do be upset if their twin sister was taken from you?

Emelie will barely drink her milk. As for me I can barely shove any food down my throat without it wanting to come back up. I'm a total wreak I tell ya. For the past two nights, I've been tossing and turning in my sleep. Barely got 3 hours of sleep both nights. I don't think I've ever seen Hiccup get any sleep either. Whenever I try to go to bed, I never see Hiccup in the room. Maybe the first night when the police were here but that was it.

I lay in bed with a sleeping Emelie in my arms. She's been able to do what I haven't been able to, sleep. I've tried to sleep with her but I can't seem to do it. I look down at her peaceful face as Hiccup looks for any signs with the dogs. He's still determined to find out who took our other precious daughter, Melody. I don't blame him, I'd be doing the same thing if I was him.

I look up from the sleeping bundle in my arms and out the window. If I know anything, the kidnapper came through the window so they wouldn't disturb the dogs. Hiccup had also said he saw rope next to the tree outside, meaning they had to use the rope to open the window. I hope he can find something that can help us get our daughter back. Because we all miss her badly.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

There must be something that can help me find my daughter. I've looked all day and haven't found anything yet. The police sent out a search party but they haven't found anything either. I will find my daughter, no matter how long it takes.

My thoughts got interupted when the phone started ringing. I pick up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It's was the search party the police sent out. I hope they have news on where Melody is.

I press the answer button and put it next to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Hiccup Horrendous Haddock?"

"Yes, this is he. Is there any news?"

"No, not yet. We've looked all over the neighborhood."

"Have you looked in the city yet?"

"No we havent."

"Well then search there! We need to find my daughter!" I pound my fist on the counter in frustration.

"We'll find her sir. We have every search party that we can out and searching."

"Please find my daughter." I beg.

"We will. We'll continue our search."

"Thank you. please call me if you find any information about where she is."

"We will sir. Have a good day."

"I'll try."

After that we said our goodbyes and hung up. I set the phone down on the counter when I heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen. I turned around to find my beautiful girlfriend standing in the archway between the kitchen and living room.

She wore one of my t-shirts with a pair of pajama shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun with lose strains hanging in her face. She looks beautiful even when she's a mess. But that's what I love about her, no matter how she dresses she's still beautiful.

I looked at her only to see worry, hope, and tired eyes. She mostly likely knew who was on the other line and she was hoping they had good news. I wish it was good news but it's not. The police are lucky they don't have to tell the mother of the child, they can tell the father and have him give the news. But that's the hard part, you have to find the nicest way to say it.

"Any news?" Her voice comes out soft and shaky, meaning she's on the edge of tears.

I take a deep breath and start towards her. "Not yet, they've searched the whole neighborhood and found nothing so far. But they are still looking, they won't give up till they find her." By the time I was done explaining, she already had tears streaming down her face. I pulled her in for a hug and felt her arms wrap around me imimmediaty before she started crying. "We'll find her Astrid I promise."

She nods her head slowly while crying on my chest. I rubbed her back to calm her down and it worked a bit. Not much, but it worked. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch. I sat down and held her on my lap as she continued to cry. I wanted to cry too but I had to be strong for her. I don't have time to be sitting around crying and hoping our daughter would appear back in her crib. I have to be the strong one for Astrid and Emelie.

To be honest, I don't fully trust the police and their search party. I feel as though they aren't trying hard enough, but I can't tell Astrid that. It might make her lose hope and I can't let that happen. I'm the only thing keeping her sane and I can't ruin that for her. I'm not going to be the one to ruin her last piece of hope. I'll keep her hoping for as long as I need to, just until we find out daughter.

After about 20 minutes, Astrid cried herself to sleep in my arms. I get off the couch slowly with her in my arms and bring her upstairs to our bedroom. The dogs slowly follow behind me as I ascend the stairs. Once at the top, I enter our room and layed Astrid down on the bed next to Emelie. I lay a blanket over her to keep her warm. I go over and shut the window so the Autumn breeze doesn't come in and get the girls cold.

I look out the window to see the leaves changing colors and falling, reminding me it's the month of November. I smile at the thought of mine and Astrid's one year anniversary is coming up. It's only a week away and I'm planning on proposing, but I'm most likely going to put it on hold due to Melody missing.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear one of the dogs bark in the kids room. I walk over there in confusing and see Toothless barking and growling at the window. I walk over to it and look out to see nothing.

"Toothless what are you barking at?"

Toothless comes up to the window and paws at something. I look at what he's pawing at and see a strand of red hair. I pick it up to take a better look at it and notice it has a lot of curl to it.

Red and curly, there's only one person I know with that type of hair.



Hey Vikings!!

I'm back!! Anybody miss me?! Probably not because I haven't updated in a month!! And I left you hanging again! So you probably didn't miss me and want to kill me! But you can't otherwise you don't know what happens next!!


1) How do you think Hiccup will react in the next chapter?

2) What do you think will happen next?

3) What do you want to happen next?

Please tell me in the comments!!!

Was it good or bad?! (Probably bad)

Please vote, comment, share, and follow!!!! I follow back!!!

The next one I'll update is Forever Friends!!!!

Bye for now Vikings!!


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