The New Kid

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I wake up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I keep my eyes closed as I feel the beating of my lovers heart. I slowly flutters my eyes open and look up at his emerald eyes.

"Good morning M'lady." He smiles at me.

"Good morning Babe." I smile back and kiss him. He kisses back as he pulls me closer.

When we pull away, I lay my head back on his chest. He rubs my back soothingly for awhile. My eyes wonder the room with my head never leaving the spot on his chest.

I see blue curtains covering the windows and a dark oak vanity. On the vanity sits a photo of the band and I. I look at the night table to see a photo of Hiccup and I sitting against the big tree at the park.

Hiccups arm is around my waist as we share a kiss under the shade. Punzie took that photo when we weren't looking. She gave it to me as a Snoggletog gift. I keep it by my bedside so I can see it when I wake up in the morning.

"We should probably get ready for school." Hiccup suggests.

"I don't want to go to school. I wanna stay here and cuddle with you." I say as I snuggle closer to his warm body.

"I do too, but we have to head to school. You can cuddle with me later." He says chuckling.

"You promise?" I look up at him and squint my eyes.

"Promise!" He promises.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I ask.

"I'll prove it." He leans down and kisses me on the lips for a moment before pulling away. "I promise you can cuddle with me later."

"Alright, but can you make breakfast?" I ask, not bothering to get up.

"Yea, now let's go get ready." I nod my head and slowly get up. I get out of bed and walk over to my closet, grabbing some clothes for the day.

I take my clothes off and feel a pair of arms around me. I tilt my head up to see Hiccup smiling.

"You're beautiful, you know." He whispers in my ear making me giggle.

"You tell me that everyday." I say.

"That's because it's true." He starts nibbling my ear a bit making me moan.

"Stop! We have to get dressed!" I laugh.

"Okay, but tonight, you're all mine." He kisses my cheek before walking toward his bag.

I put my bra on and slip in my shirt. I change my pants and head over to my vanity. I grab my brush and brush my hair as I watch Hiccup change.

He slide his shirt on and looks over at me smiling. I smile back and place the brush down before splitting my hair into 3 sections. Hiccup comes over and takes them out of my hand.

"Let me." He says. I place my hands on his chest as he braids my hair. He finishes it off and smells it.

"Stop smelling my hair." I laugh.

"It smells good, just like you." He pecks my lips but before he pulls away, I wrap my arms around his neck, making it longer.

We pull away a few minutes later and stare at each other. I lay my head on Hiccup's chest and keep my arms wrapped around his neck. He tightens his grip around my waist and holds me close till we hear a grumbling sound.

"I guess somebody's hungry." Hiccup chuckles as I nod my head. "Let's go get you some food." He pulls away and takes my hand guiding me downstairs.

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