The Break Up

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Pretend that in the video, Astrid is Merida.

Now enjoy the chapter!!


Hiccup's P.O.V.

This is it. Today is the day I break up with Merida! I've finally realized that I love Astrid, not Merida. Now all that is left is to find her. Where could she be?

I finally decide to go to the place where she usually sleeps, her house.

I grab my car keys and head to my car. Once I have it started, I back out and head to Merida's.

When I get there, I pull to the curb in front of it. I take a deep breath before getting out and walking to the door.

Once I reach the door, I knock. the door opens within a couple of seconds, reviling Merida's brothers: Harris, Hubert, and Hamish, the triplets.

"Hey Hiccup!" They greet in unison.

"Hey boys!" I greet back.

"Are you here to see Merida?" Asks Harris.

"For a matter of fact, I am. Is she here?" I ask getting down to their level.

"Yea! She's in her room." Says Hubert.

"Okay! Thanks!" I say ruffling their hair.

"Hey! I just brushed that!" Yells Hamish.

I just shake my head and laugh before heading upstairs to Merida's room.

I knock on the door first so she could know someone's here.

"Merida? It's me, Hiccup." I say to the door.

Behind the door I could hear what sounded like people kissing. Who's in there? Before I open the door I hear giggles and laughter coming from inside. What's going on in there?!

"Thats it, I'm going in there." I say to myself before opening the door.

I open the door to a disgusting site before me. I feel a small piece of my heart crack, falling in my chest, crashing into a million piece when it hits the ground. Why am I feeling this? I must still have some feelings for her.

There, on her bed is Merida, with a guy on top of her, kissing her. But it wasn't just any guy, it was Jonathan, our announcer for our concerts. He was also a good friend of mine. Now here he is sucking on my girlfriends neck.

"Merida? What's going on here?" I can hear my voice creak a bit.

She turns her head in my direction, eyes widen. She pushes Jonathan off before speaking. "Hiccup! It's not what it looks like!"

"Oh really? It looks like your making out with another guy!" I raised my voice.

"Okay, it may seem like that but he forced it upon me! Hiccup! Please believe me!" She begs.

"Why should I believe you?! You looked like you were enjoying it Merida! You were just cheating on me!!" I yelled.

"Hiccup! I'm sorry! Please! Please forgive me!" She pleaded.

"I'm sorry Merida! WE'RE DONE!!" I raised my voice again so she would get the message.

"Y-you're breaking up with me?" Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Yes! I am!" I yelled. I pointed to Jonathan. "Don't bother showing up to the concerts anymore!" I shouted.

I turned around and headed for the door. But before leaving, I turned back around and punched Jonathan in the face. After that I ran downstairs and outside to my car.

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