A Not So Ordinary Day

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Yesterday after our band rehearsal, Astrid went home with the girls. We noticed that about half of the paparazzi left, only leaving about 20 of them behind. Not bad but still annoying.

Today's Monday, and we all know what that means. SCHOOL!! Ugh! More like hell to me. And the best part is that the paparazzi never left! Yay!! NOT!! Now I can't leave the house without having any photos taken of me.

I wake up and do my usual routine: get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and grab my school supplies and go. I pull out of my driveway and grab my phone to dial Astrid's number. I call her and head toward her house. She picks up on the second ring.

A: Astird

H: Hiccup

A: Hello?

H: Morning M'lady!

A: Morning Babe!

H: Would you like me to pick you up today? Or do you wanna have someone else do it?

A: I want you to!!

H: Alright, I'll be there in about 5-10 mins, okay?

A: Okay! I'll see you soon Babe!

H: See you soon M'lady!

A: Luv you!

H: Luv you too!

I hung the phone up and put it in the cupholders next to the seat. I drive to Astrid's house, and as expected, I arrived at in about 7-8 minutes. I pulled up to the curb and parked the car. I got out and headed to the front door. I knocked and waited for about a minute before the door swung open to revile a blonde goddess with ocean blue eyes.

"Hey Babe!" Astird gave me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing the handle. "I'm leaving now Aunt Liz! I'll see you later!" She yelled before closing the door behind her.

"Shall we M'lady?" I ask holding out my arm for her to take. She giggles before wrapping her arm around mine.

'Yes, we shall!" We laugh and head over to the car.

"Here you are." I open up her door and gesture for her to enter.

"Why, thank you kind sir." She giggled and hop into the car after giving me a kiss on the cheek. I chuckle and shut her door before heading over to the drivers side. I hope in and we head to school.


Aunt Elizabeth's P.O.V. (Astrid's Aunt)

I head to the living room window and watch the two head down the driveway to his car. They look like their having a good time. That's good, she hasn't really been herself since the 'Blake Incedent'. Itls good to know that somebody can bring her back to her real self.

I take a sip of my coffee as I watch the couple enter the vehicle. I notice that Astrid gave Hiccup a kiss on the cheek. He blushes and shows a crooked grin before heading to the drivers side. They drive off and head to school.

As I watch them drive away, I notice a black van just a couple of feet behind them. I take a look at the logo and see that it's the paparazzi.

Oh no..... not good.

Astrid said she and Hiccup were trying to advoid them. She also said they were trying to keep their relationship on the down low. They didn't want the world to know about their relathinship. They're not gonna be to pleased about this.


Astrid's P.O.V.

We got to school with 15 minutes till the first bell. Hiccup pulls into the parking lot and parks the car. We get out and he locks the car. We walk into the school with very little affection. We don't want the whole school to know about us, well not yet anyways.

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