Breakfast With the Band

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sight of Astrid peacefully sleeping before me. My arms are still locked around her from when we fell asleep last night. I look at her to see her head laying on my chest.

I run my hand down her side and feel her skin bare. I pull the blankets up a bit to see us both completely naked. I then smile at the memory of what we do last night. I gently place the blankets back down and wrap my arm around her again.

I brush the hair out of her face so I could see its beauty. As I do so, I notice something on her neck. I gently move her hair and my eyes widen.

I gave her a hicky! I am so dead!!

"Oh no. I'm not gonna live to see tomorrow." I whisper.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel Astrid stir a bit. I place her hair back and put my hand back on her side. Her lashes slowly flutter open, reviling a pair of sparkling sapphire ones.

"Morning M'lady." I whisper.

She looks at me and smiles. "Morning babe." She whispers back. I kiss her head and stroke her hair.

She snuggles closer to me and lifts her head. She kisses my lips before laying her head back on my chest.

"What's are we doing today?" She asks.

"Today, is a day just for the two of us. I have whole day planned out." I say, rubbing her back.

"Really?" She asks perking her head up.

"Yup! How about we get dressed and go get some breakfast?" I ask.

"Okay! But first..." She gets up and lays on top of me. She places her lips on mine and kisses me. I kiss back and pull her impossibly closer.

We pull away and smile at each other. "Now go get ready." I say.

"Okay!" She kisses me one last time before getting up and heading to the bathroom, with her bag on hand.

I get up and take the condom off from last night. I throw it in the garbage after wrapping it in some paper towel.

I'm not gonna risk letting the paparazzi see it.

I head over towards my dresser and grab a pair of boxers from the top drawer. I slip them on and head to my closet. I grab a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and put those on before looking for a shirt.


Oh no, she saw. I'm dead!

Astrid opens the bathroom door and points to her neck. "What's this?" She asks.

"I guess I had a little too much fun." I say.

"Your lucky I brought makeup with me." I sigh in relief and look at her. "You gotta tone it down a bit Hiccup. If my aunt saw this, she'd be mad."

"How can I? You're to irresistible!" She chuckles and heads back into the bathroom.

I grab a white undershirt and slip it on before putting on a blue plaid button down shirt.

I texted the band and told them to meet Astrid and I at 'IHOP' for breakfast. Astrid came out a few minutes later wearing blue jeans and one of my green shirts.

"Isn't that my shirt?" I ask, smirking.

"It's comfortable!" She pleads. "If your asking me to take this off, I'm not!"

"You don't have to take it off! You look cute in it." I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her waist. She blushes at the comment and buries her head into my chest.

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