A Night To Remember

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This chapter contains a Hiccstrid sex scene! So be prepared for a bunch of feels.

Don't start the vido until I tell you to!

Now on with the story!

Astrid's P.O.V.

After the party, everybody went home either extremely happy and tired, or drunk. I on the other hand was staying for the night. So, I'll be able to spend some more alone time with Hiccup.

Hiccup and I are currently at the front door, bidding happy holidays to everyone as they leave. We nod and shake hands with everybody heading out the door. Soon it's just us and our friends.

"Astird! Come here a sec." I look over at Ruff to see that she is away from the group.

"What Ruff?" I ask.

"So, are you gonna do 'it' tonight?" She asks eagerly.


"What? You can't let that scare you from doing it again with someone else! What are you so afraid of?" She asks.

"I just don't want what happened with Blake, happen again." I tell her.

"Girl, Hiccup is nothing like Blake." She testafies.

"I know that, but-"

"You have to live a little. You can't be afraid to go to parties and not do it with somebody." She says.

"Ruff, I'm not like you. I don't go off and have sex with someone at every party she goes to." I say.

"I know, but you have to do it sometime! I mean high school is almost over! You have to have a little fun every now and then. And some of that can be having 'fun' with your boyfriend." She emphizes fun and puts air quotation marks up when she says it.

"I'm surprised your not pregnet yet." I mumble.

"If your afraid your gonna get pregnet, don't be. All the guys that I had sex with was wearing protection. And I'm sure Hiccup has some too." She protests. "Just, have a little fun tonight. I mean your gonna be alone with him, and a night like this deserves a special gift from his dregen."

"Ruff, you are so discusting." I gag.

"Ruff! Let's go!" Hope calls from the door.

"Coming mother! Think about it Astird, you're not gonna be 17 forever. Live it while you can." And with that, she turns around and heads out the door, shutting it behind her.

Everybody else says their goodbyes and leave, each one with a smirk on their face. I wonder what for. As soon as the door closes, Hiccup comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on top of mine.

"That was a long party." He says.

"Yea, it was." Next thing I know, Hiccup starts kissing up and down my neck and nibbling on my ear.
"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We're alone, and I wanna spend sometime with my girlfriend." He replies as he continues to kiss my neck.

"You're right, we are." I turn around and give him a seductive look. He smirks and picks me up bridal style before running up the stairs toward his bedroom.

We get to his room and he places me on the bed. He locks the door before heading towards the bathroom door.

"Where are you going?" I ask. I was really looking forward to a making out with him again.

"I'll be right back. Don't worry." He says before closing the door.

While I wait, I take my shoes off and fix my hair. I take it out of it's bun and put it in a braid instead. A braid is much more comftorable than a bun. I sit on the edge of the bed and start thinking about what Ruff had said earlier.

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