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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door. I take a look at Astrid, who's still sleeping peacefully in my arms. I get out of bed carefully and drap the blanket over her.

"Hiccup?" I can hear my dad on the other side of the door as I grab my cloths and put them on.

"Hold on!" I call to him as I fix myself up a bit. I don't want him to get any ideas. I look in the mirror to make sure I look presentable before opening the door. "Hey dad!" I greet.

"There are some interviewers that would like to talk to you son." He says.

"Okay, where are they?" I ask.

"Outside, by the front door." He tells me.

"Okay. I guess I'll be out there in a minute." They really need to leave me alone!

"Alright, I'll tell them. Oh, and, uhh, Hiccup?" He turns half way before looking back at me.


"What were you and Astrid doing in there? You're door was locked." He looks at me couriously as I widen my eyes a bit.

"Oh, umm, we were just working on a couple of songs for the band." I lied. I can't tell him the truth! It'd be to weird.

"Really?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yup!" I say popping the 'P'.

"Where's Astrid now?" He asks.

"She was tired, so she fell asleep." At least this wasn't a lie.

"Alright. Get clean up a bit. You would want to look nice for the papers, right?" He smiles and walks away, chuckling. Great! I have a feeling he knows what we did.

I go to my bathroom and grab my comb, running it through my hair a few times. I brush my teeth and cheek myself over again. I look pretty decent, plus they've got photos of me in worse clothing than this. I grab my shoes and slide them on. I grab my jacket and head downstairs, closing the door quitely so I don't wake Astrid up.

When I get to the door, I look out the window next to it to see about 5 interviewers standing there. I groan before putting my jacket on and opening the door. The secound the door is open, photographers start taking photos as the interviewers start bambording me with questions.

"Are you and Merida officially apart?"

"Are you cheating on Merida?"

"Who's the blonde?"

"Are you dating someone else?"

"Who is the lucky lady?"

"ENOUGH! Look, Merida and I are no longer together, meaning that I'm not cheating on her. Second, get out of my love life!" I tell them.

"So, are you saying that you're single?" A female reporter with red hair asks.

"Yes!" I hope Astrid isn't awake and doesn't hear that before I can explain it to her. If she heard this, I'm dead.

"Then who was the blonde?" Asks a man that looks to be in his early 40's.

"A friend." I say.

"Is there anything going on between you 2?" A short haird girl asks.

"No, we're just very close friends!" I hope they don't get the wrong idea out of that. I need to get out of here before I say the wrong thing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go!" I open the front door and walk insdie, closing it behind me.

Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now