Home Sweet Home

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I head to the place Merida told me to go after I talked to her on the phone. It was at an old house on the other side of town. I pull into the driveway and turn the car engine off. I look at the house for a moment before getting out.

The house is two-stories tall with a wrap around porch. The siding of the house is brick, each with a few chips in each one. The roof is pointed at the top like the bottom of an ice cream cone. It looks a little too pointed if you ask me.

I look around one last time before heading to the deck and knocking on the door. After a few moments, the door opens to revile a curly red head named Merida

"Hiccup! You made it!" She hugs me tightly before pulling me inside. She shuts the door behind me and smiles. "So glad you could make it!"

"Where's my daughter Merida?" I ask as I glare at her.

"Don't worry Hiccup, she's fine! I've been taking good care of her." She explains.

"I would like to see her Merida." I look at her. "Now!"

"Alright, alright! I'll take you to your daughter. Follow me." She starts walking upstairs and I follow her.

She walks to one of the doors and opens it quietly. She peeks inside before gesturing for me to head inside. I walk inside the room to see a crib and changing table. I slowly walk over to the crib and look inside to see Melody sleeping peacefully.

I sigh in relief as I carefully scan her body for any scratches and see she has none. I bring a hand down to stroke my daughters hair as I pull my phone out, hiding it from Merida's view and send a message to someone waiting outside.

A few moments later, I hear a knock of the front door. Merida groans and head downstairs. I smile a little bit and carefully pick Melody up without waking her. I grab Melody's blanket and walk out to the stairs with her in my arms. I watch as cops put handcuffs around her wrists.

I smirk a little as I walk to the bottom of the steps with Melody in my arms and stop at the bottom. Merida turns her attention to me and growls.

"You set me up!" Her voice is low and loud at the same time. I hold Melody closer to my chest and covers her ears as best I can.

"You should've known I would never be with you Merida. I had to get my daughter back Merida and you had to be brought to justice. You stole my daughter, and I'm not sure if you know but kidnapping is a serious crime."

"You will be mine Hiccup! When I get out I will find you and your family!" She yells as the cops pull her outside and to the cop car waiting in the driveway behind mine.

Melody moves a little in my arms and starts crying. I put her blanket around her and start walking around to calm her down.

"It's alright, daddy's here." I whisper softly in her ear to calm her down. After a few moments of me speaking in her ear, she starts calming down.

I head outside to my car after the police leave and stick Melody in the backseat. I buckle her up in her car seat and place her blanket over her to keep her warm. I kiss the top of her head before getting out and closing the door to the back seat. I walk to the drivers door and take one last look at the house.

No one else in my family will step foot in that house again, I'll make sure of that.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch with Emelie in my arms and fed her a bottle. It was almost 1 in the afternoon and Hiccup still hasn't come home yet. I'm not that worried because I know he'll return home, but I'm worried that he might bump into Merida and something can happen.

Once I finish feeding Emelie her bottle, I hear the front door open. I turn my head to see Hiccup walking through the door with a baby carrier. I get up from the couch and walk back to him.

"Welcome home babe." I smile as I walk up to him.

He smiles when he sees me and kisses my cheek. "Thanks. I have a surprise for you."

"And what's that?" He bends down and uncovers the baby carrier to revile my missing child. I bring a hand up to my mouth and start crying joyful tears.

Hiccup takes Emelie from my hands as I bend down to pick Melody up. I carefully hold her closely to me as to hug her and hug Hiccup at the same time. He wraps one of his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "I told you we'd get her back."

I smile and look up at him. "You were right, we did get her back." I kiss him gently and lean into his shoulder. "We're a family again."

"And this time we're going to stay a family."


Hey Vikings!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this eventful update for Rockers!!! I have a pretty good feeling you all loved this chapter but I would love to know what you think!!


1. How long do you think Merida will be in Jail?

2. Do you think Hiccup will propose now that Melody has been brought home?

3. What do you think will happen next?

4. What do you want to happen next?

Please tell me in the comments below!!!!

Was it good or bad?

Please feel free to comment, share, and follow!!! I follow back!!!!

If you have any ideas on what to do for the next chapter, please let me know in the comments below!!! I promise you'll get credit for your ideas!!

I'm sorry to announce that this story is coming down to and end!!! I might make a second book but I'm not quite sure yet!!!


By for now Vikings!!!!


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