Unforgettable Snoggletog

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Merry Snoggletog everybody! Tonight we're haveing our annual Snoggletog party at our house for the whole village. It's a lot of people, but we've had parties this big before. It just crowds the house a bit, but not a lot. We live in a very big house.

I already called Astrid to see if she wanted to come over early and spend the night. Which she agreed to both. Now I just have to hide her gifts so she doesn't find them when she's here.

I just finished getting ready for the party tonight. A white polo shirt with a black suit jacket and black pants. I slip on my socks and pull on my black dress shoes. I run my hands through my hair to comb it out and look in the mirror. I hear the doorbell ring and look in the mirror one last time. I straighten my jacket and head downstairs.

I check in the mirror thats in the front hallway before heading to the door. I take a deep breath and open the door to revile Astrid in a light blue dress with crystals on it. It goes down to her knees and has lace sleaves. (Pic Above) Her hair is curled and put into a bun with loose stands dangling next her flawless features. She wears light blue eye shadow, with a bit of mascara. Her lips are tinted with soft pink lipstick. She looks stunning.

"You look......Amazing!" I grin.

"T-thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." She blushes.

"Come on in." I move to the side and gesture for her to enter. I look behind her to see that her Aunt isn't there. "Where's your Aunt?" I ask.

"She had to go get something. She'll be back in time for the party." She says.

"Ok. Come on, let's head upstairs." I grab the bag out of her hand and entwined our fingers together. I lead her upstairs and place her bag next to my door.

I look towards my bed to make sure her gifts weren't out. Luckily, they weren't. They were probably under the bed or in the closet. I'll have to check when the guests arrive.

"What would you like to do M'lady?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." She wraps her arms around my neck and shrugs.

"Well, we have an hour till the guests arrive." I say as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Okay, then that gives us an hour to be alone." She smiles and gives me a seductive look.

"Yes, it does." I smirk and lean in, gently placing my lips on hers.

She kisses back and starts running her fingers through my hair. I cup the back of her head and pull her in closer, making the kiss more passionate. I licked her upper lips, hopping for an entrance. She accepted by parting her lips, allowing my tongue in.

We had out for a couple more minutes before pulling away. We looked at each other and pressed our foreheads against one another. Our breathes are in sync as I look into her ocean blue eyes.

"I love you M'lady." I say.

"I love you too Babe." She says.

~~1 Hour Later~~

I'm at the door greeting everybody that arrives. Astrid is upstair doing some touch ups. I said she didn't have to but she insisted she did. She said that she wanted to look nice for the party. She doesn't want people to know that we made out.

"Happy Snoggletog! Enjoy the party!" I greet an old couple coming in.

"Why thank you! You too!" They greet back and walk in the house They head to the kitchen and are out of sight.

"Hey, hey, hey! Merry Snoggletog dude!!" An arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me back, causing me to lose my breath. A hand is placed on top of my head and messes up my hair.

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