Telling The Parents

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Astrid's P.O.V.


We all turn toward the shout and see my father standing in the doorway, face red with spreading anger.

"What did you just say?" He slowly walks up to me with he hands in fists. I sink into Hiccups arms as he wraps a protective arm around me.

"Richard, calm down! Your scaring her!" My mother says to my father, who isn't listening at the moment.

"What do you mean your pregnant?! Who the hell got you pregnant?!" He yells.

"Dad calm down! Your scaring her!" My sister yells at our father.

"Dad! I can explain!" I start.

"You must be Hiccup!" He turns to Hiccup as he slowly stands in front of me.

"Sir, if you just calm down we can talk about this." He tries to reason with my father, but it just makes him even more mad.

"Shut up! You're the one who got my daughter pregnant, weren't you?" He growls. Hiccup slowly nods his head, scared, but he doesn't move from is spot.

Without hesitation, my father punches Hiccup square in the face. He stumbles back as Jack and Ruff hold him back with the help of my mother.

"Hiccup!" I scream. I hop off the bed and help Hiccup sit down. Amber and Elsa come over towards Hiccup as I sit next to him.

"Hiccup, I need you to move your hand." Elsa says calmly. He does to revile a bloody nose. Amber hands him a tissue to wipe the blood off. He does and keeps it to his nose.

"Richard Hofferson! Calm down! Now!" My mother sternly yells at my father. He stops struggling and glares at Hiccup. "Can you guys bring him to the waiting room? I'll be there shortly." Jack and Ruff leaves the room with my dad as my mother turns around.

She walks over to us and stands in front of Hiccup. "Let me see." She says. Hiccup removes the tissue and my mother looks at it. "Well, it's not broken. That's good."

"Oh thank Thor!" I sigh in relief as I place my hand on my chest. Hiccup chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist.

"So is it true?" She asks.

"Is what true?" I ask.

"Are you pregnant?" She smiles softly and yet in a hoping way.

"Yea." I say shyly, hiding my face in Hiccup's shoulder.

"Oh congratulations!!" She squeals.

"You're not mad?" I ask.

"Why would I be? Kids are gonna do what kids are gonna do. You can't stop them from doing it. Plus I get to be a grandma!"

"So, you're happy for me?"

"Yes!" She says.

"But we're 19." I say.

"People get pregnant and have kids when they're 19. I know Hiccup's mother did." She replies.

"She did?" He asks. "My dad said she was in her early 20's when she gave birth to me."

"That was your Aunt Rebecca. She had your cousin when she was 22. Your mother got pregnant with you when she was 19. She gave birth to you a month after she turned 20." She explains.

"Oh, okay. Guess that makes sense." he replies.

"Yup, well I'm sorry about Richard." My mother apologizes for my father.

"It's fine. I was expecting that." He says.

"Do you think dad will ever except him?" I ask, laying my head on his shoulder.

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