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Before I start this chapter, I would like to thank everybody for 1.10k+ reads!! I can't believe I actually have people who love this book!! It's going farther than my first!! Well enough with the chit chat, you have a chapter to read!! Enjoy!

I know I used this song already, but I'm bringing it back!!

Now to the chapter.


Hiccup's P.O.V.

That night after spending hours playing guitar, we finally got hungry.

"Let's take a break, my fingers are getting tired." I say putting my guitar down.

"Yeah, I'm starving!" Astrid says holding her stomach.

"Then let's go order some pizza." I chuckle.

"Yes! Please!" She laughs.

We head downstairs to the kitchen to get the number for the pizza place.

"What type of pizza do you like?" I ask.

"Pepperoni!" She replies.


I pick up the phone and call the pizza place. After I place the order and hang up, I turn to Astrid.

"So, what do you wanna do now? The pizza won't be here for about 15 mins." I ask.

"Umm, I don't know." She says looking at me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I suggest.

"Sure! What ya got?" She asks.

"I'll show you. Follow me." I lead her to our home theatre. (Picture above)

"Wow." She looked speechless. "I can't believe you have a home theatre." She says.

"Well, I guess that's a benefit for being the mayors son." I say. "The movies are in the corner over and along the back wall." I point to the where the movies were located.

"Okay." She heads over toward the movies. "So which one is your favorite?" She asks skimming her eyes across the shelf.

"Well, they would be the 'How To Train Your Dragon' series and 'Big Hero 6'." I say walking toward her.

"Really?! Those are my favorites!" She squeals. "But, I wanna watch...umm..... this one!" She grabs the movie off the shelf and hands it to me.

"The 'Titanic'?" I ask.

"Yup!" She nods.

"Okay then. Just let me put it in. Feel free to sit down."

I walk over toward the DVD player to put the movie in. Right when I was about to press play the door bell rang.

"I got it! Just grab a drink from the snack bar if you're thirsty." I tell Astrid as I walk toward the door.

"Okay!" I can hear her yell after me.

I walk to the front door with the money in hand. Once I open it, I find the pizza delivery guy with our pizza.

"Hello, that'll be $17.78 please." The pizza guy asks when I open the door.

"Here you go." I give him the twenty in my hand. "Keep the change."

As I make the trade off with the guy, I hear Astrid call my name.

"Hiccup! Do you have any bla-" She stops and looks at the person in front of me. "Blake?"

"Oh, hey Asty! How have you been?" The guy named 'Blake' asked.

Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now