Sister Bonding Time

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This chapter contains Hiccstrid smut!! So prepare yourselves for major feels!!

Wait to start the video!

Now on with the chapter!!

Astrid's P.O.V.

After school, Amber and I hang out for awhile. Hiccup said he had to go home to grab some things, like a fresh pair of clothes.

Not exactly...😉

I take Amber to the Dragon Cafe and order some coffee. I order a caramel latte with whip cream while Amber orders and espresso. I payed and we sat down at a window seat.

"You didn't have to pay Astrid, I could've paid." She offered.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine, it's my treat." I say.

"Are you sure? I feel bad about it."

"Don't feel bad! To be honest I don't get to treat people very often." I reply as our drinks arrive.

"Really? Why not?" She asks. "Wait! Let me guess, Hiccup treats you to just about everything. Am I right?"

"Yea, I don't mind it actually. I like being spoiled. It's one of his ways of telling me he loves me. It's something that my ex never did." I take a sip of my drink and savior the caramel goodness.

"What else does he do to show you how much he loves you?" She asks taking a sip of her espresso.

"Haha! Why are you asking that?" I ask.

"Because I wanna know! So, have you two done it yet?" She asks playfully.

"WHAT?! No! No, we haven't!" I lied. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because that's what people do when they love each other! Don't worry! I won't be mad if you guys did do it. That's what lovers do and I know that." She says.

"Okay, well, what about you? Have you don't it yet?" I ask, turning the question on her.

"You want honesty?" She raises her right brow at me. I nod my head and wait for her to continue. "The truth is, I have. And let me tell you it felt amazing."

"Who did you have it with?" I take another sip of my beverage as I wait for her to answer.

"My boyfrined, Jason." She replies smiling. I almost choke at the word 'boyfriend'.

"You have a boyfriend? And you didn't tell me?!" I screach.

"Am I supposed to tell you?" She chuckles.

"Yes! I'm your sister!"

"Yea, my little sister!" She emphizes the word 'little' for dramatic effect. I lean against my chair and give a little 'hmpf' while playfully scowling at her.

"So, how long have you guys been dating?" I ask.

"About a year and a half now." She smile. "How about you?"

"Since November." I replied.

"Oh, so for almost 3 months now, huh?" I nod my head and take another sip from my drink.

Amber and I continue to talk and laugh with each other as the minutes tick by. We told each other stories and laughed at the little memories we have together. I never told her about Blake and I don't want to. She doesn't need to know that happened.

By the time it was 6 o'clock, she had to go. I offered her to come stay with me and Aunt Elizabeth but she said she was staying with our grandparents.

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