Telling Everyone

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I sit next to Hiccup during lunch with our friends. I don't eat much, but Hiccup got me to eat a few things. I wrap my arms around my stomach and lean into Hiccup's shoulder as he wraps his arm around me.

"Ruff! How come you never told me?! I could've helped!" Punzie yells at Ruff who just finished describing her crush to the table.

"I didn't know you then! You were a celebrity and I was nothing but a high school chick!" Ruff fires.

"Well, now I can help you! So, you said his name was Eret, correct?" She asks.

"Yup!" I watch Ruff go into dreamy mood.

"Great, she's going to be like that for the rest of the day now." I mutter.

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing we don't have class with them." Hiccup whispers in my ear, sending tingles down my neck.


"Hey Astrid?" Elsa asks.


"Where are you going to live now? I mean your parents are back home and you have a little one on the way." She says.

"I'm going to live with Hiccup." I reply.

"I don't blame you sis. I would do the same thing." My sister chimes. "I mean there is no way I'm letting my father around my child like that. There's no way."

"I agree with you, that's why I'm staying with Hiccup. His father approves of it. Plus it wouldn't be healthy for the child if my father was constantly yelling at me. I'd end up at Hiccup's house either way." I explain.

"And there is no way I'm letting you in a house like that with your father. I don't care if he's your father, I'm not letting him around you two." Hiccup comments. "I'm not going to let your father ruin our chance at becoming a family," He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Ever."

I smile and snuggle into his chest. Hiccup's arms tighten around me and I feel his chin rest on my head. I close my eyes and just listen to the steady beat of his heart. Hiccup rubs my back and secretly places a hand on my stomach, smiling at it.

"Attention everybody!" Our moment gets interrupted when we hear a voice shout over the whole cafeteria, calming everyone down. I perk my head up to see Merida and her possy standing on the small stage.

"Oh no." I whisper, burying my head back into Hiccup's chest. He holds me close as he glares at Merida.

"We have some very important new! One that's going to shock everybody in this room!" She starts. Everybody goes quiet and looks at her with their full attention, waiting for her to continue. "One of our classmates is pregnant!" I hear gasp spread from all around the room. "And that clasmate is....Astrid Hofferson!"

More gasps escape the crowd as I dig my head even further into Hiccup's chest. He wraps his arms around me protecitively. If I looked now, I would probably be able to see everybody staring at me.

"Isn't that right Astrid?" I could hear Merida smirk through her words. I stay silent and keep my head hidden. "What? Got nothing to say? Not even a single word of denial?"

"Merida! Why are you doing this?" I feel Hiccup's chest vibrate as he talks.

"Doing what?" She asks inocently.

"Being mean to Astrid." He answers

"I'm not being mean! I'm just giving her what she deserves." She replies.

"And what's that?" He asks.


"Revenage for what? She did nothing to you!" He releases me and I feel a different pair of arms around me. I look to see my sister holding me as Hiccup stands up.

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