Do We Have A Deal?

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Out of all the people who would steal my daughter, it had to be Merida. I have a feeling I know why she took her. She probably wants me to leave Astrid and go live and marry her. She just never gives up. She'll try and do anything to get me back.

That night, after I made sure Astrid and Emelie were asleep, I walked downstairs and into the living room. I grabbed the telephone and dialed the last known number I knew of hers. I waited with one of my arms crossed as the phone rang. About after two rings, someone with a scottish accent picked up the phone.

"Hello Hiccup, I've been expecting your call." I could hear the smirk coming from the other end.

It took everything I had not to yell into the phone. "Where is she Merida?"

"Where's who?"

"Where's my daughter Melody?" I spoke through gridded teeth.

She chuckled a little bit. "No worries Hiccup, she's safe and healthy."

"She better be, otherwise you're going to pay for it." I spoke as I heard Merida chuckle. "What do you want Merida?"

"You should know what I want Hiccy. I thought it would be easy enough to figure out." I stayed quiet until she continued. "I want you Hiccup."

"I thought so." I whispered. "Well I'm sorry to hear that Merida, but I'm already taken. Just give me back my daughter and leave me alone."

"I'll give you back your daughter under one condition."

"And what's that?"

"I'll give you back your daughter, if you leave Astrid and be mine." I thought that was going to happen. I stayed quiet for a few minutes to think the situation over, and before I could answer, Merida spoke. "So, what's it going to be Hiccup?"

~~The Next Morning~~

Astrid's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to Emelie fast asleep next to me. I sat up slowly as to not wake her and stretched my arms to wake up my muscles. I looked past Emelie to where Hiccup would normally be sleeping and didn't see him. I figured he would've come to bed last night, he usually does. I get up slowly and tip toe out of the bed room and leave the door cracked so I would be able to hear when the little one gets up.

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I walk past the couch thinking Hiccup would've fallen asleep on there but see nothing than the dogs. I pet both of then gently before walking to the kitchen to see a cup of coffee made with a note underneath it on the counter. I pick the cup to feel the warmth fill my hands and the smell of caramel wanders up my nose. "Oh caramel, my favorite." It smells like it's been made recently. I look down at the note to see the following words:

Dear Astrid,

I hope you enjoy the cup of coffee I made you with your favorite flavor, caramel. :) I have a feeling you're wondering where I am. Well, I've had a few things to take care of. I hope you enjoy your coffee and I'll see you later tonight. I promise I'll be home when I can. If you need anything, just call my dad or one of the band members, they'll be able to help you out. Please let you and Emelie stay safe. I'll see you soon.

Love you,


"I love you too Hiccup, be safe with whatever you're doing."


Hey Everybody!!!!!! I feel so bad right now for now updating in what must of felt like FOREVER for you vikings!!! So the last time I spoke to you guys was before I went of my family reunion where I wouldn't have any signal for a couple of days. That was probably the last time you heard from me till now!!!

So first I want to apologize for not being on for all those months and for not updating!! Second, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, or which ever one you celebrate!! I also want to wish you a Happy New Year as well!!!

I promise I will try to update more this coming year and to update my other stories. Along with maybe writing a few new stories along the way. One of which I'm thinking of calling "Hello"

I won't ask questions today, and probably won't for awhile but you are still welcome to tell me what you think is going to happen next and what you thought of the short chapter.

I would like to thank everyone who kept asking me to update because without them, I probably would've forgotten I was writing this book and wouldn't be updating right now.

I would also like to say that if you ever want to PM me, go right ahead! I promise I'll answer when I can. I would love to get to know you guys!!!


Bye for now Vikings!!!


Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now