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Astrid's P.O.V.

It's been a few months since Melody has returned home. The girls are both 5 months and everything is back to normal. Merida is in prison for the next 15 years of her life for kidnapping a baby, my baby. Now thanks to the love of my life, my baby is home and Merida won't be able to bother us.

Today, Hiccup and I agreed to go out for a much needed date night. Arianna is going to come over to and take car of them for us while we're gone. She'll be here in a few hours.

Hiccup said he had to go do something quickly before we went on our night out. He didn't say what, but he said he'd be back shortly. While he's gone, I watch the girls and look through my closest of clothes for something to wear tonight.

The girls sit on my bed and play with their stuffed animals. They both began crawling and sitting up on their own just a few weeks ago. Emelie does it with ease while Melody still struggles. There are times when Melody crawls towards a piece of furniture or wall so we have to pick her up. It's hard to keep track of Emelie because she crawls quite quickly and likes to hide under and behind things.

There are times when I have to catch Emelie from falling off the bed because she likes to wonder everywhere. Melody crawls towards the edge of the bed sometimes too so I have to make sure she doesn't fall either. Her eyesight still isn't that greatest so she has a hard time determining what's what. There was a time she was playing with Hiccup's slipper instead of her toy that was right next to it. It was to adorable I couldn't not take a photo and show it to Hiccup when he got home.

As I look at the dresses I have, I pull two out and look at the girls. One was a simple light blue dress with a white belt. The other was a red sparkly dress that went to my knees. "Which one do you girls think I should wear for your daddy?" I ask.

Emelie looks at me and smiles before going back to playing with her toy. Melody looks and me and randomly points to the blue one. I look at her and smile. "Good choice." I lay the dress on the bed and hang the other one back in the closet. I walk to the bed and kiss both girls on the top of the head. "I love you girls! You're both absolutely amazing!"

"Just like your mother." I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pull me close to a body. Small kisses tickle my neck and I giggle a little bit before turning around to see Hiccup standing there.

"You're home!" I smile.

"I am, miss me?" He asks with smirk.

"Very." I kiss him gently on the lips before pulling away. Hiccup pouts as I pull away. "You'll get more tonight. I promise!"

He smiles again and pecks my lips before pulling away and walking to the bed. He picks up Melody before she has the chance to fall off the bed. I walk over and pick Emelie up as she starts crawling to the pillows to hide behind. She giggles as I lift her up and blow on her belly. I do that a few times before holding her close into a gentle hug.


Hiccup's P.O.V.

Emelie and Melody sit on the floor of the living room with Arianna as I wait for Astrid to come down. I check myself over again in the mirror next to the door before walking over to the girls. I pick Emelie up first and kiss the top of her head. "Now be good for Arianna while we're gone."

Emelie coos and clap her hands together as I talk. I chuckle and set her back down on the floor. "Thanks for watching the girls for us Arianna."

"No prob cuz. Plus I know how much you and Astrid need this. You've both been busy watching the kids all the time. It's time you guys deserve some alone time, now I'm glad you get the chance."  She smiles at me.

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