The Perfect Date Pt. 2

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I get off the carriage and I thank the coachmen. I tip him then hold my hand out to help Astrid down. She stands at the entrence and smiles down at me. I grab her and pick her up. She places her hands on my shoulders and giggles. I spin around and set her onto the grass.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" I scan her features and smile at her.

"Well thank you." She giggles.

"Come on." I grab her hand and pull her along with me.

"Where are we going now?" She asks.

"For a walk." I say.

"Then why are we walking to your car?" She raises her eyebrows and looks at me.

"I have to grab something." I reply.


We reach my car and I unlock it. I open the trunk and pull out a basket. I close the door and lock it up again. I grab Astrid's hand again and pull her up to the top of the hill, where you can see everything that's going on.

"What's with the basket?" Astird asks as we walk up the hill.

"Lunch." I told her.


"It's a picnic I made just for us." I say.

"Hiccup, you didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted too. You deserve it." I smile and her and she smiles back. She lays her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her waist.

We get up to the top of the hill to see a picnic table in the dead center of it. I would use a blanket but, there's still snow on the ground.

I place the basket on the table and pull out the food. Astrid sits down and watchs me. I pull out the plates and utensils along with Astrid's favorite drink, coke. I take the coke out and set it in front of her.

"For you M'day. Your favorite." I smile.

"Thank you! How'd you know this was my favorite?" She takes the coke and opens it.

"I see you with one at every practice. Plus, you always grab one when you're with me." I reply.

"Oh, well thank you." She smiles.

"You are welcome M'lady." I smile and take the rest of the food out. I serve Astrid and I and sit across from her.


After we eat, I pack up the picnic basket and bring it back to the car. Astrid holds my hand and follows me to my vehical. I place it back in the trunk and shut it. I lock the car back up and wrap my arm around Astird's waist.

"Where to now?" She asks.

"A walk. Spend some quality time together." I smile and look at her.

"That sounds nice." She says laying her head on my shoulder. I smile and kiss the top of her head.

We walk around for a bit and sit on a bench. Her head is still on my shoulder and my arm is still wrapped around her waist. We sit on the bench that faces the water. The water has turned to ice and is reflecting the sun perfectly.

Little kids skate on it with their parent's watching them from the sides. Some parents freak out when their kid falls and the others just laugh along with them. My eyes focus on two kids, one boy and one girl. They hold hands and skate around the perimeter of the lake, helping each other when they fall. Seening the sight of them makes me smile.

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