Wedding Day

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I stood at the alter nervously as I waited for my future wife to walk down the isle. I wipe my hands on the back of my pants due to how sweaty they were getting. I kept having doubts of things that could possibly happen to ruin my special day with the women I love. I have a whole list on the top of my head and I can't help but think one of those would happen.

Jack must've noticed my nervousness because he placed a hand on my shoulder before giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him before turning my attention back to the doors my love will be walking through. Just a few more minutes then I'm a married man with a loving family.

Moments later, the music starts playing and the doors swing open. I turn my attention up front as I see the bridesmaids walking down the isle with small bouquets of flowers in their hands. Rapunzel and Elsa each hold one of my daughters. I smile at them and wave a little bit before facing the door again.

Once the bridesmaids got to their spot, Astrid emerged through the doors with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She looked absolutely stunning. Her dress flowed to the floor and fit her body perfectly. Her golden hair was up in a beautiful braid that laid hidden under her veil. With each step she took, it looked as if she was walking on air, like she was floating her way down isle.

Once she reached me, I held out my hand for her to take and brought her up to the man who was going to join us together. When the man spoke, I kept taking glances at Astrid and smiling. It was so hard to keep my eyes off her. She made me lose my breath every time. I couldn't help but feel so excited of how she's going to become my wife at any moment now.

Once it came to the vows, the pastor had us face each other and hold hands. I turned towards Astrid and took her hands in mine. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her. She was the one I wanted and I was so glad that she was to become mine in just a few minutes. All was left after the vows was the 'I dos'.

(To lazy to write them XD)

When we finished our vows, it came time to say our 'I do's'. We looked at each other as the pastor asked us each the same thing. First it was me.

"Do you Hiccup, take Astrid Hofferson, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." I smiled as I looked her in her beautiful blue eyes and slipped on her ring. Then it was her turn.

"Do you Astid, take Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

She smiled back at me and slipped my ring on. "I do." I squeezed her hands in mine and waited for the moment the pastor said we could share a kiss.

"Now, may I present to you, husband and wife, Hiccup and Astrid Haddock! You may now kiss the bride."

I smiled and leaned forward, kissing Astrid on her lips. I enjoyed every minute of it. I didn't rush anything, I took my time and enjoyed the kiss. I could tell she was doing the same. We pulled away moment's later and looked at the crowd. I kept her hand in mine as we made our way down the isle and out of the church. People followed us outside as we headed into our limousine.

Once we were in the vehicle and the doors were shut, I leaned forward and kissed her again. I brought my hand up to her hair and held her close as I continued to kiss her. We pulled away a little bit after and pressed our foreheads together. I opened my closed eyes and looked into hers. I couldn't help but smile since she was finally mine.

I looked into her eyes and the said the words I've been saying for the past year and a half. Since the day I first loved her.

"I love you." I smiled at her as she smiled back at me.

"I love you too."

We kissed again as we ventured to were our wedding photos were going to be. The kids were with Punzie and it was only us.

This was the day when we'd be able to start our lives together and continue the journey we've had so far. Today was the day when everything came together and we became a family. And to be honest, I couldn't be any happier.

Now it's time to look ahead to the life Astrid and I will have with our daughters, Emelie and Melody.


Hey!! So I know it's been a long time since I updated this story but here you go!! The very last, maybe second to last chapter of the book!!! I'm thinking about making it the last chapter!! I had a hard time making sure I got this one to an okay level!!

Anyways!! I don't really have any questions for you except, how did you like it? Did you enjoy it or not? Let me know in the comments!!

And if you read any of my other fanfiction, I'll hopefully be updating that soon!! If not updating, might be writing another one that I would only bring more on myself!! So let me know!!

I hope you enjoyed this book and I really hope you liked the ending!! And don't worry, I'm thinking about writing a squeal but I'm not sure yet!!


Bye for now Vikings!!


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