Wedding Plans

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Hiccup and I drive to the venue where we want the wedding at while my mother watches the twins. We want to wedding to be outside either at the beach or on a beautiful hill with flowers. We still haven't completely decided which one yet but that's what we're going to find out.

Hiccup pulls into the parking lot and parks the car before getting out. I reach my hand out to open my door but Hiccup opens it first and takes my hand. I giggle and step out of the car while holding his hand before walking with him into the building.

We walk up to the assistance desk inside and is greeted by a brown haired women that looked to be somewhere in her forties. "Hello, how can I help you folks today?" She asks kindly.

"We're here to see David Styles about viewing the venue." Hiccup says as he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Of course! Just one moment." She picks the phone up and brings it to her ear before pressing a button. "Mr. Styles, your 1 o'clock appointment is here....Alright, will do sir." She sets the phone down before looking back up at us. "Just go ahead and take a seat right over there, he'll be right out."

"Thank you." We nod in response and head over to the waiting area to wait for him. Hiccup and I take a seat on one of the love seats in the waiting room. I lean my head against Hiccup's shoulder as he keeps his arm around the small of my back and rubs it softly. I take hold of his other hand and play with his fingers while he kisses the top of my forehead.

We sit there like that for about 5 minutes before David walks into the lobby. We both stand up and walk over to him.

"Hello and welcome!" He holds a hand out for us to shake.

"Hello." We smile back as we each take turns shaking his hand.

"So you folks must be Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson." We both nod. "Wonderful! Well, my name as you may know is David Styles. Feel free to call me David. Now! What can I do for you two?"

"We're trying to find venues for our wedding." I explain.

"Of course! And where would you like your wedding? Inside, outside, or a bit of both?" He asks.

"We were thinking outside when it's warmer out."

"Well of course! Follow me and I'll show you the best venues in town!" He starts walking towards the back and we follow him.

We head outside and take a trail down the hill to the water. Down there, we see a beautiful Gazebo set up with flowers and lace bordering the entire thing. Chairs lined a stone path that flowed straight to the gazebo. Flower pots stood on pedestals at the end of each row of chairs and the view from here was absolutely gorgeous. Water surrounded the gazebos base like a mot around a castle.

It was absolutely beautiful. It took my breath away. "It's amazing." I gasp.

"It's the best one here! It looks even better in the spring! A lot of couples plan to have their wedding here. So what do you think?" He looks to Hiccup.

"It's beautiful." He says as he looks around at the place. "I think this is the one, what about you Astrid?" He looks down at me.

"I totally agree. This is the one." I smile.

"Wonderful! Now let's get you set on a date!"


After setting a date for the wedding, Hiccup dropped me off at the bridal shop before heading off and meeting with the guys. I'm here with the girls to pick out my wedding dress.

I'm currently trying on a strapless mermaid tale dress that fits the curves of my body. I walk out of the dressing area and into the main area so the girls can see. My mother holds Emelie while Rapunzel holds Melody. My sister sits between the two along with my soon-to-be mother-in-law. Elsa stands next to them and looks me over as I come out.

"So, what do you think?" I ask.

"It's cute, but it doesn't seem like something you'd wear." Elsa chimes.

"I agree. That looks like something Ruff would wear." Punzi agrees.

"Alright, then on to the next one I go." I walk back to the dressing room and change into a different one.

This one had a sweetheart neckline with the fabric wrapped around the front like a belt. The bottom flowed gracefully as I walked out the dressing room and into the waiting area. I step onto the platform in front of the girls and wait for their reactions to the dress. They all looked at me speechless.

"So? What about this one?" I ask nervously.

"It's beautiful!" My mother brings a hand up to her mouth and gasps.

"It's absolutely gorgeous on you!" Rapunzel says as Melody reaches her arms out in my direction. "And I think your daughter agrees." She gets up and walks over, handing Melody to me.

I take her in my arms and kiss the top of her forehead. My mother walks over with Emelie and stands next to me. I lean over and kiss the top of her head as well. "What do you girls think? Do you think daddy will like it?" Both girls burst out into giggles and clap their hands. We all laugh as I gently hug the twins.

"I'm pretty sure he's going to love it, not like it." Amber says as she smiles at me. "I can't believe my sister is getting married!" She squeals.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror with the dress on and is stunned at the result. They're right, this dress is amazing.

"So, now the only question is, is this the one?" Elsa asks as she walks up behind me.

"This is the one."


Hey Vikings!!!

I'm sorry the chapter is short, but I thought I'd try to get a quick update in this week while I have the free time!! Just so you all know, the next chapter is the wedding then the book is finished!! I might add an epilogue but I'm not sure yet!!


1. What do you think of the wedding dress Astrid chose?

2. Do you think there should be a book 2? If so, then what should it be about?

3. Do yo want something unexpected to happen in the next chapter?

Please tell me in the comments below!!

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If you have any ideas on what to do for the last chapter please let me know in the comments or just PM me!! I promise you will get credit!!!


Bye for now Vikings!!!


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