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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I wake up hearing music coming from the theatre screen. I open my eyes to see the movie at the title screen. I check the time to see that it's already 7:30 in the morning. Well, at least it's Sunday.

I hear a slight moan and feel some movement coming from my right. I look in that direction to see Astrid sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smile and kiss her forehead before getting up slowly, trying not to wake her.

I head towards the kitchen to get something to eat, and make something for Astrid when she wakes up. When I reach the kitchen I see my dad sitting at the table looking, furious.

Great! I'm dead!

"Morning dad!" I say hoping he's not mad at me for some stupid reason.

"Morning Son. Mind telling why there's a whole boat loud of photographers and interviewers outside?" He asked.

"WHAT?! The paparazzi is outside? Why?" I was completely shocked at this if you haven't already noticed.

"Not sure. I was hopping you'd be able to tell me." He says.

I run out of the kitchen and into the living room. I look out the massive window to see the paparazzi surrounding the door, and the whole entire house.

Great! Now they won't leave until I give them what they want!

I head back to the kitchen feeling complete anger and rage. I can't believe they had to come find me! This is so annoying!

My dad must've noticed my sudden change in mood because he asked, "Are you okay son?"

"I can't believe they found me! I was so hoping to comeback from tour to be ignored by the paparazzi! I wanted a normal life now, but NOOO! They had to come find me because I was with another girl! One that happened to not be Merida!" I shout. This was so getting on my nerves, and my father could tell.

"They saw you with another girl?" He asked surprised.

"Yes." I say, trying to be calm.

"Who?" He just had to ask, didn't he?

"Astrid." I say in a voice only we could hear. You never know, there could be and open window with paparazzi near by.

"Are you guys together or something?" He asked.

"Yea, but you can't tell anyone! I don't want the paparazzi to know. I want to try to have my relationship with her normal, no paparazzi in it. Okay?" I ask, hoping he'd agree.

"Alright, your secrets safe with me. Oh, and to tell you, I never really like Merida." He gets up off his chair and heads towards his office, closing the door behind him.

I let out a small chuckle and head back towards the theatre. I hear the faint sound of the theme song as I get closer to the door. I open it to find a still sleeping Astrid on the couch.

I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room, it'll be more comfortable there. When I reach my room, I open the door and place Astrid gently on my bed.

Sunlight peers through the open window, so I head over and shut the blinds. I catch a glimpse of paparazzi standing on the freshly fallen snow. They'll do whatever to get what they want. Good thing my bedroom is on the second floor.

"Hiccup?" I hear a faint tired voice say behind me. I turn around to see Astrid rubbing her eyes, getting the tiredness out of them.

"Morning M'lady!" I say and head over towards her, sitting next to her on the bed.

Rockers Love Story (Hiccstrid) (Watty's 2015)Where stories live. Discover now