Chapter 1: Maybe Some Fantasies Come True

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~  No one's POV  ~

Everyone wants to be royal, I bet even you have wished to be a royal. Every little kid wishes to be a princess, prince, or ruler. People think it would be amazing to be royal, news flash. It's not.

Clay Taken, prince of Zemira, everyone sees him with a smile and people think he has it easy, but they would never dare to say that to his face. Little do they know; it's hard being a prince.

Sitting perfectly, speaking a certain way, parents wanting him to be a little saint, making sure his kingdom is safe, and on top of that. A kingdom hating his people's guts. All he wants is a normal life, to be in a market, to roam freely, to not be in a rival with a neighboring kingdom.

The rivalry is more between the people of each kingdom, one person from the neighboring kingdom stole multiple things from markets, many people saw the person and obviously the person got caught and was put in prison but the neighboring kingdoms people did not like that one bit. The person was well-respected among the neighboring kingdoms people, causing a rivalry between the people.

George Found, prince of Asterin, a happy prince. Well as much as people see him as. He's never really seen because he's being locked in his room to be trained to be the perfect king, his only company, books.

He wonders if anyone feels the way he does, trapped. All he wants is to have a normal life, walk in a forest and go to a tavern with friends and maybe even a lover, but it will never happen. Well might never happen, George likes to have hope in this fantasy he has made.

A window in his room points straight into a forest, like it's teasing his fantasy. The forest leads right to the neighboring kingdom Zemira, he's always wanted to see who his neighboring kingdom prince or princess is, maybe they would feel the same as he did. The rivalry between the people kind of stops that though, but George thinks one day he will, hope in his fantasies.

~George's POV  ~

"George!!" My mother's British accented voice echoes through the stairs to his room, "Yes mother?" I called out, not wanting to tear my gaze from the window.

I hear footsteps walking to my room and a knock, "It's open, mother." I call out to my mom, I hear the door creak out and the sounds of heels come closer to me, stopping as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn to see my mother smiling sweetly, I show a fake smile, taking that I was still in my head, daydreaming, feeling sad that it was real "Dinner is done dear, we also have some news!" my mother says. I state I would be down shortly and my mother heads out of my room, probably down to the dining room.

I sigh, quickly putting my cape on, it's a blue color. The one color that is sort of easy for me to see, oh yea, did I mention I'm colorblind? It sucks but I live with it, but sometimes I wish I could see the sunset that many people call pretty.

I head down to the dining room seeing my mother and father sitting together chatting, I head to the table and sit down, my father starts talking to me as soon as I sit.

"Hello, son how was your day?" he questions I wonder for a second if I should say it was horrible, staying in the same room all day but I decide to lie knowing that my father would give me a lecture "It was good." I say, giving him a sweet fake smile.

"Good!" he says starting up again, "Me and your mother have news! So, the neighboring kingdom and the multiple other kingdoms agree that we should have a party to try and fix the rivalry between our people, the queen and king of Zemira said that they will host the party."

I stare at him in shock, the fantasies I imagined earlier running through my brain, maybe the prince or princess there will like me! I hope so! Maybe we could even be... Friends?

"Really!?" I say with the happiest tone, a genuine smile on my face. He nods smiling, I might as well explode with happiness. "When the party?" asking, hoping it's as soon as possible.

I wonder who rules the kingdom, the ruler's wife, if they're nice, if the kingdom has either a prince or princess, I secretly hope it's a prince, I wonder if the person will be nice, maybe mean? I hope not. Maybe even... attracti- "Tomorrow!" My dad says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I stare wide-eyed and the biggest smile creeping back onto my face.



I get to see the neighboring kingdom tomorrow. I get to see the unknown prince or princess tomorrow.



Word count: 838

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