Chapter 30: Day Three

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~   Clay's POV   ~

I woke up feeling energized and ready to do the second hardest part of my plan, studying the guards. I would have to make sure I had an excuse why I was watching them.

I thought for a while to figure out an excuse and I finally came up with some. I would say I'm studying for my combat skills; it would make the most sense.

I started to get bored and as if right on cue Sapnap comes in my room, "Hey, Dreamy! Sorry I couldn't see you these past few days, busy training and such." Sapnap says with a smile.

"It's fine Sap! We all have been busy." I assure him with a smile. "Sooo? How do you feel after the party? We didn't really get to talk about it." I question, wanting to know how he felt.

Sapnap's face lit up when I mentioned the party, "Well, when we had that free time, me and Karl went to the library and he was basically gushing over the books, it was cute."

"Sap, I know you're not telling me everything." I say with a smirk, his face turned a light pink "Y-Your right... like always." he pauses but then counties.

"Well, I flirted with him and he got really flustered and he kind of surprised me with a hug, I was on cloud 9." he said, he looked down and smiled shortly after remembering the memory.

I smiled and Sapnap looked back at me, "What about you and George?" he said with a 'did you guys do anything spicy' smirk. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Whatever you're thinking Sapnap, it's wrong. We went behind a tree and we looked at the stars, we had a deep conversation, leaning to him crying happy tears or at least what I think happy tears.

Then we hugged and he cried into my shirt and that's really it." I smiled, remembering every little thing that happened at the party. Sapnap nodded and smirked again.

"I saw what happened when George left, you kissed his hand." I flush red and look at him, he looked back at me laughing at my reaction.

"Okay whatever, I was going to miss him and just acted on my feelings!" defending myself with an eye roll and smile. It just caused Sapnap to laugh more.


After a few hours talking and laughing with Sapnap, the maids told it was time for dinner. I suddenly got nervous.

I know studying the guards is going to be a bit difficult, but I really hoped they would believe my lie.

I sat down at the dining table, the same questions asked, asking how my day was, lying saying it was good and eating in silence.

After dinner I headed to where the night guards watched, I dressed in almost all black. I didn't want them to think it was odd that I was wearing all black.

I had a black shirt on with dark brown pants, it was casual enough for them to not think it's odd which is all I needed.

I sat a watched them, I knew they would fall asleep soon, the rumors say that they all sleep which is pretty idiotic of them.


After a while, it was 2AM. The rumors were true, all the guards were sleeping peacefully, it took everything in me to not burst out laughing at they're idiotic actions of sleeping.

I got up and headed back to my room, being quiet. I finally got to my room and fell asleep; I needed enough energy to sneak out tomorrow night.

~  George's POV  ~

My sleeping schedule was totally ruined. I stayed up until the early morning hours, ungodly hours such as 4, 5, 6, or even 7AM without any sleep and then sleeping until 1, 2, 3, or 4PM.

It was 2AM and I was starting to finally get tired, me and Karl hung out for a long time talking about what happened at the party, laughing at things, and reading. So, I was worn out.

I got ready for bed and got comfortable under my covers, I wanted to sleep so badly but my mind wouldn't let me stop thinking about Dream. It was like my own body was against me.

I sighed and tossed and turned for a while, I decided to just go look at the window for a minute or two, it usually helped me sleep.

I sighed and went over to the window and stared. Stared at the trees, stared at Dream's castle, taking everything in. Please, I miss you so much Dream. I hope we will see each other soon.

Before I even realized, I was tearing up. This was a normal thing now, I missed him so much that I cried and cried. I really, really want to see him again and soon. All I can do is wait.

I stood there for a little but then finally was starting to doze off, I headed back to my bed and got comfortable again. I sighed and got into a comfortable position.

I fell asleep cuddling a pillow, imagining I was cuddling Dream. It made me smile and quickly fall asleep.


Word Count: 871

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