Chapter 50: When I Met Him

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(Right when George got told he had to leave)

~   Clay's POV   ~

My mother came in and told George he had to go, I really, really didn't want him to go but I knew he had to, I looked at George and he looked sad but still had a smile and nodded. Everyone got off the counters and everyone said their goodbye's with hugs and kisses (cough cough Sapnap and Karl) I wanted to do something, but I felt frozen with sadness.

I snapped back when I saw George and Karl opening the door "George!" I yelled as I ran over to him, I couldn't just let him go without me doing anything. He turned around and as soon as he did my lips connected with his.

At first, he didn't kiss back but soon after I felt him cup both of my cheeks as I did the same to him, smiling in the kiss. We pulled away and I creased his cheek with my thumb slowly "This day is really reminding me how we said goodbye at the party." George said with a breathless laugh. I laughed too "Yeah, it really is, isn't" I said in a breathless whisper and a smile on my face.

I gave him another peck on the lips and he let me go, I waved to him as he did as well, I felt tears starting to form in my eyes and I could tell that George wanted to cry too "Alright... let's go Karl." George said sadly, opening the door to exit the kitchen.

As soon as he felt I started sobbing, Bad and Skeppy quickly rushed to me "Dream! Are you okay?" Bad asked, obviously concerned. "Honestly? No. I'm going to miss him so much, Bad." I said as a broken sob came out of my lips.

"Aww Dream, I know George is going to miss you too, but don't worry, I know for a fact that you two will see each other again soon." Bad said happily. I wiped my tears away and smiled happily, I sighed happily.

"You're right, Bad, what would we do without you." I said, grateful to have Bad "Well, you guys wouldn't have muffins and would cry a lot." He said, with a confident smile and we all burst out into laughter.

~   George's POV   ~

We started walking back to my castle, the cold wind invading our skin. The night sky with a full moon and filled with stars helped us see the path a bit, it wasn't a lot but it was enough, the only sound was me and Karl's footsteps.

I could tell me and Karl enjoyed our time, taking that Sapnap said he and Karl both knew they liked each other, I knew that I was definitely going to see them more so I was going to bring Karl with me.

Why not help my best friend get a boyfriend? It the least I can do since he has saved me from dying from my dumb mistakes or clumsy trips multiple times. I was a comfortable silence but I knew that our minds were filled with multiple thoughts.

What was going through my mind the most was that the thing I dreamed about became a reality, the garden, the movements, the positions, the actions, even down to the blanket. How was it possible? I mean I barely cared, it happened and that's all I needed.

I smiled a bit at the memory. Even if something bad happened I knew me and Dream would still be close, we've been close since that night before I rarely believed in soulmates, I mean yeah, I believed in maybe getting something if you tried hard enough but soulmates? Not at all.

But then I met Dream and it all just changed, I knew me and Dream were something, we both liked each other and everything! But we knew we couldn't just start dating I mean it's only been a bit since we actually met each other.

We finally saw our castle in the distance and we walked faster so we could get some sleep. We soon got there and opened the doors, my mother and 'father' were at the dining room "Oh! Karl, George! How was it?" My mother asked, getting out of her chair and rushing to us.

We both looked at each other and smiled, looking back at her "It was really fun, can we do it more?" I asked with a smile, she nodded "Of course! We would love you two getting close to them!" She said with a smile. We thanked her, grateful she would let us do it more.

"Do you want dinner? Karl you can join, of course." My mother asked "Nope, we're good, we had dinner there since they talked to the new kingdom near here called L'manburg." I said with a smile "Oh yes, I've heard of them, we are planning on having a meeting with them soon." My mother said with a smile still on her face.

"Oh awesome! They were really chaotic but it was super nice." Karl said happily my mother's smile grew "Well, I can't wait to meet them! Well, if you two are tired you can sleep now if you'd like." she said.

We nodded and parted ways, saying our goodnights. Karl and I soon did the same, I practically rushed to my room. I was so tired, so ready for sleep. I soon got to the stairs and started walking up the spiral stairs.

My shoes echoed through the quiet halls that I've gotten so used to, I soon got to my doors and pulled them up, walking through and closing them behind me. I rushed to my dresser and pulled out comfortable clothes.

I took off my cape and hung it up, I changed into the clothes I picked out and went to my mirror, fixing my hair and heading to my bed. I got under the covers and got comfortable, I soon fell asleep, letting the darkness take over my vision, ready to start another day.


Word count: 1,036


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