Chapter 51: He's Gone

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Tw: Swearing, mentions of cheating

~   George's POV   ~

A few weeks passed, all filled with hanging out with Dream Sapnap, Bad, Skeppy, sometimes Puffy, and Karl, training with the guards, talking/helping Ranboo, and helping my mom figure out how to get rid of my 'father', once and for all. And it was the day, me and my mother picked a day to do it, July 21st. But I had another thing planned. I was going to tell Dream I was ready, I mean I've known him for two months but it felt like years, so I was ready. I was getting ready and heard a knock on the door "Come in!" I yelled, my mother came in. "Hey dear, how are you?" She asked. "How am I? How are you mom, are you ready?" I asked, turning around.

"Well... I'm nervous but yes." She looked at me, determination filling her eyes "I'm ready." she said. "I promise mom, it will be worth it. We're ready." I said, she nodded "Yeah, you're alright, like always. Come. It's time for breakfast. I'll do it after that." She said, I nodded and followed her downstairs, the sound of shoes echoing through the castle. We got to the dining room and sat in the same spots. "Where were you?" My father asked my mother, glaring at her. "I was getting our son and getting ready. What else?" She asked, annoyance in her tone. He scoffed "Whatever." he said, and the room was quiet now but with tons of tension.

Ranboo, who became a full on maid now, out of training, came out with another maid, like always. Ranboo gave my mother her food and held mine out to me, finally realizing I won't let him place it down for me. The other maid placed another plate of the food down for my 'father' and left with Ranboo trailing behind her. We all ate in silence and once we finished I left, staying behind the door, listening in.

I heard a chair being pushed back "We need to talk." I heard my mother say blankly "About what." my 'father' replied sourly. "You! I'm done with your shit! You hurt the maids and your own goddamn son mental and physically and frankly. You hurt me mental so I'm done. I'm cutting off the agreement." She yelled. I heard a chair fall and a slam on what I assumed was the table "You know exactly what the fuck happens when you cut that agreement off and if you don't want to start a war then you better take all that shit back." My 'father' exclaimed. "You know we have strong guards, we can take your sorry ass." My mother said, hearing the eye roll she did. "Whatever. I was sleeping with one of the maids anyway." My 'father' said, making me gasp. I heard footsteps coming to the door and I quickly hid.

I saw my 'father' walk away, probably to get his things. Good riddance, once he was far enough I rushed out of the hiding place and rushed to my mother who had a hurt but shocked expression. I ran to her and hugged her. "He's gone, don't worry mom." I said quietly. She shook her head and chuckled "I knew he was cheating." She said, I pulled back to look at her, she was obviously fuming "I should be sad but hell, I'm angry but at the time. I don't care." She said, I smiled "Good. He doesn't deserve someone like you crying over him." I said, she chuckled. "Thanks, dear." She said smiling. "Hey, you should go to Prince Clay's kingdom, that man is going to be fuming, bring Karl, and you know what? Bring that Ranboo, he needs people to talk to." My mother said, I agreed and thanked her.

"Karl!" I yelled, seeing him wander the halls, he looked at me as I ran to him, arms open for a hug. I got to him and hugged him tightly, him returning the hug "Hey! Hi! Okay so," I paused, pulling away "We can go to Dream's castle, want to come?" I asked him and he nodded. We started walking down the hall "Did your mom do the thing?" Karl asked, I nodded and he hummed. A beat of silence passed and Karl spoke again "Are you going to, you know... uhm ask Dream out today also?" He asked, I sighed and looked at him. "Yeah, and I would be lying if I wasn't nervous. What if he got over me...?" I asked sadly, looking forward.

"Got over you?! George, please. I know you're a nimrod but please, Dream can barely keep his hands off of you there's literally 0 chance of him getting over you." Karl said, laughing. I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway. "I guess we'll find out soon, huh?" I said, Karl smiled and said "It's going to be fine, I promise George." Karl said softly "Thanks Karl." I whispered. "No problem man, now let's go!" Karl said, running down the halls, me chasing after him.

We got near the kitchen and remember to ask Ranboo if he wanted to join "Hey Karl, stay here. I'm going to ask Ranboo if he wants to join us." I said, walking to the kitchen, looking behind me. Karl nodded and I turned my head back around to see where I'm going. I opened the door to the kitchen and I saw Ranboo smiling, cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey! Ranboo!" I exclaimed happily, he's head snapped to me and his smile grew "George! Hello!" he said, pausing what he was doing to come to me.

"Was that the cool thing you were telling me was going to happen?" Ranboo exclaimed happily, I raised an eyebrow "Dude! The thing with your mom and you dad? He's leaving!" He said, smiling. "OH! Yeah. That's what I was talking about." I said, smiling "Thank god!" He exclaimed quietly. "Anyways, what did you need?" Ranboo asked. "Oh, yeah. My mom wanted to know if you wanted to come to Prince Dre- I mean Prince Clay's castle?" I questioned. "Duh, I would love to, who's coming?" Ranboo asked me. "Just Karl." I said, he nodded and we went back to where Karl was waiting. "Okay Karl let's go." I said, causing Karl to look at me and nod, we made our way to the front door joking and laughing. We got to the front door and opened the huge doors, showing a huge forest. We walked onto the path I've memorized at this point and headed to Dream's castle.'


We got to the castle and the guards let us in since they have seen me and Karl so much. They asked if Ranboo was with us and we obviously said yes, so they let all of us in without trouble "Georgie!" Dream yelled, running over to me and pulling me into a tight, loving hug. I returned the hug happily, with the same emotions "Hey Dreamy." I said with a smile. He pulled away "I missed you." he said with a small frown. "Dream, I saw you the other day." I said, giggling, he rolled his eyes but chuckled "Yeah. But I still missed you." he said, smiling "Well, I missed you too Dreamy." I said with a smile.

I looked at Karl and saw him with Sapnap, hugging. I then looked and Ranboo with... Tubbo? I looked at Dream, confused "Why's Tubbo here?" I asked, confusion lacing my words. "Oh yeah, they came over but don't worry, no dinner party or anything." Dream said "Why are they... here then?" I asked, still confused. "Well, my mom and dad actually became friends with Niki and Wilbur, so they come over sometimes." Dream said, I mouthed a 'oh' I wasn't too confused now "I see you also brought someone here? Who is he?" Dream asked. "Oh, yeah! That's Ranboo, the maid I told you about? Me and my mom decided he should get out, he's actually Tommy and Tubbo's age." I said with a smile, he nodded "He looks nice." he said, looking back at me and smiling.

"Yeah, he's sweet." I said. "Hey uhm... can we talk later? I'm not ready to talk... now." I asked, he nodded but he looked nervous. "That sounded bad, I swear it's a good thing, Dream, don't be nervous." He smiled "How do you know I'm nervous, Georgie? I didn't tell you I was nervous." he said, smiling. "Dream, you know for a fact I can read people's emotions easily, you were freaking out." I said, smirking, he sighed defeated but a huge smile on his face. "Fine, you win." He said, jokingly disappointed, lacing his words. "I always do." I replied, confidence. He rolled his eyes again, jokingly. "Whatever, c'mon! Skeppy, Bad, and Puffy are waiting, let's go!" He said, grabbing my wrist and taking me to the kitchen where we anyways hung out.

I got to the kitchen and Bad, Skeppy, and Puffy greeted me happily, we always sat in the same places on the counter. Soon Sapnap came in with Karl with Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy trailing behind "Who's that?" Skeppy, Bad and Puffy asked at the same time "Oh yeah, you guys don't know who Ranboo is huh? He's a maid from my castle." I said, smiling at Ranboo who was smiling back at me shyly, right arm holding his forearm. "Oh? Why's he here?" Skeppy asked. "Skeppy!" Bad exclaimed quietly, hitting his boyfriend's arm. "Sorry, sorry I didn't mean it rudely." Skeppy said.

"It's okay it wasn't rude, uhm Skeppy." Ranboo said quietly but enough for all of us to hear, I turned to Skeppy "He's here because one, he's my friend, two, he hasn't been out for a bit, and three, my mother wanted him to get outside for a bit." I said, they all nodded "Well, hello Ranboo, don't worry we don't bite so don't be so shy." Bad said, smiling. "Sorry, I-I'll try not to be nervous." Ranboo said, grinning shyly. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo sat on the counter, all of them talking about everything and nothing, it made me smile seeing Ranboo hang out with more people. I felt like a proud mom in a way.

I turned back to the others and we talked, laughing and jokes being made for hours. Yeah, this is where I belonged.


Word count: 1,772

A/N: IM AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD AHHHHHHH i was sleeping ahahah anyways! 4 more chapters to go, oh and happy Easter everyone I hope you all enjoyed it :]

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