Chapter 3: Some Thoughts We Cannot Control

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~ George's POV ~

I start asking multiple questions before waiting for my parents to answer "What time? What should I wear? Should I wear formal clothing? Casual clothing? Extra looking clothing? How long have you been planning this party?"

I finally finish my questions and my father starts answering them, "Well, the party is going to be at 8PM to 11PM. You should probably wear a formal outfit that you feel comfortable in, and finally we have been planning this for a few weeks maybe 2-3 weeks because we thought we would surprise you!"

I still have a smile on my face, and I excuse myself from the table, practically skipping back to his room.


I was lost in my thoughts until I heard a familiar voice behind me, coming from the library. I turn and see my personal guard, Karl.

"Hey! I finally found a book you might like!" I head over and look at the cover he is showing me, it looks like it's an amazing read.

"Thank you, Karl! I know it will be good since the books you have found so far have been amazing reads!" He handed me the book and he give me a friendly hug, me returning the hug back.

"Sooo, you seem and sound pretty happy, what's up?" he questions, usually not seeing me THIS happy.

"Wow they haven't told you? Well we are going to a party in the neighboring kingdom Zemira to try and get rid of this little rivalry between our people!" I say obviously oozing in happiness.

"Really!? Wait, I'm coming right? I better be, I want to pop off!" He says, I know how much of a party animal he is and if he's not there, it's not a party at all, it's more like a meeting.

"Of course, you're going! It's not a party if you're not there! Plus, I kind of need you so I don't get murdered." I say in the most sarcastic tone.

"Shush!" he says followed by a friendly punch to the shoulder; we start heading back to my room talking about the party.

A few hours have passed since I found out about the party I've been zoning out and imagine what this prince or princess looks like. Imagining what they would like as a guy and as a girl.

It's kind of sad that I don't know what the neighboring kingdom ruler looks like, but my mother and father say I need to stay in my room reading and getting taught to be the perfect king.

It's kind of odd that they won't let me go to a meeting since I would get more practice, but I don't  argue because my parents will re-teach me to not talk back.

"Hey, are you okay George?" I hear Karl question, oh yeah, I forgot Karl was still here. He's usually quiet while reading so sometimes I forget he's in my room.

"I'm alright, I guess" looking down at my book, "George, are you sure?" he questions, he obviously knows I'm not 'alright'.

I sighed sadly and looked away from my book, my eyes gazing at the wood "No, I'm not sure. I just can't stop thinking about the party and a weird thought came to my head early when I heard about the party.

I wondered if the prince or princess of Zemira was well, uhm" I stop wondering if I should countine and I do "attractive..." saying it in a whispering tone. "Huh? I didn't catch that." I turn to look at him but look down at the floor once again.

"I wondered if the prince or princess of Zemira was attractive," I say louder, so he hears it "it's weird for to wonder that since I don't even know they're gender huh? I don't know why the thought came to my head, but it did."

I look up and see Karl smiling, why? "Well," he starts in a happy tone "we'll find out tomorrow, won't we?"


Word count: 670

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