Chapter 21: Until Next Time

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~ Clay's POV ~

The dance was over, sadly it was quick, making my heart hurt. But I knew that this wouldn't be the last time.

George and I would make sure that this would be the first to many more times with us holding hands, dancing, smiling, looking up at the stars, hugging, and talking in general.

George looks up at me, sad puppy like eyes staring at mine, how could someone look so adorable just by looking at someone?

Before thinking about what I was thinking, "George, you are stunning..." I had a soft look for a moment but then my face shifted to shock of what I said, and fear of what George would do and say.

He gave me a sweet smile and his cheeks flushed a pink, "Thank you, Clay... I could say the same to yourself." He said. My face changed in happiness on how he reacted, I put my hand on his cheek.

"George, you are prettier than the night sky, okay? I'll make sure I can see you as soon as I can, even if I have to break a few rules." His smiles grew and I swear he leaned in closer to me than before, but I wasn't sure.

Maybe just my eyes playing with me.


My mother approached us, me and George hesitantly separated, George's smile slowly went to a small frown.

Me and him knew what time it was, I didn't want him to leave but I knew he had to, but I'll see him soon, I'll make sure of it.

"Alright Prince George, it is time for you guys to leave, we can't wait to see you again at some point!" My mother reached out a hand to George and he took it, with a sad smile on his face.

He looked at me while walking away with a sad but hopefully smile on his face, Karl came to his side and his mother and father stood.

"We enjoyed our time here; we cannot wait to see you guys once again!" George's mother said, George's family and personal guard bowed and made their way to the door walking out.

I had to do it. I ran outside, luckily George was trailing behind, his family far enough for them to not hear me.

"Wait, George!" I exclaimed, he startled and turned to me, confused but had a smile on his face. I couldn't just let him leave without doing anything!

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, tears coming out of my eyes, "I'll miss you so much, George..." my own words made me start crying, I knew I would see him again but it still hurt a bit.

George hugs me back with the same feeling I had on him, him starting to cry with me, "I'll-I'll miss you too, Clay..." He said with a hiccup and a choked sob, just from hearing him I hugged him tighter.

I wanted to hug him forever, but I knew I couldn't.

I'll see him again, I'll see him again, I'll see him again.

I pull away and cup his cheek, wiping his tears, "Think of me every night and day Until we see each other, alright?" I say with a sad tone, he smiles with a sad smile.

"You didn't even need to tell me, I was going to think of you every night and day even if you didn't come out here and tell me..." he says with the same tone as mine but it had a hint of sweetness.

I sighed a shaky sigh and let go of him, I didn't want to, but I had to. I grabbed his hand and kissed it gently, my tears still streaming down my face.

"Until we see each other again, Prince George..."

He looks at me, his eyes watering again, and him giving me another hug, him crying once more, "I don't want to go..." he says in a broken tone. I hated hearing him like this.

"I don't want you to go too Georgie, but me and you both know you have to, but we will see each other sooner or later." I say with sadness, but I had hopefulness in my voice.

He let go of me and I did too, sad to not have him in my arms but happy to know that he will be in them once again, sooner or later.

He smiles a sweet but sad smile, "Goodbye, Clay... Until next time." he says in a sad but happy tone, I smile at him giving the same smile he had, "Until next time."

I looked as he walked off and as soon as he was with his parents he looked back again, into my eyes, I smiled a sad smile and waved, him returning it and then he turned around.

Until next time.


Word count: 812

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