Chapter 2: What if's?

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~  Clay's POV  ~

I sit on the chair in my room, feet resting on my desk. I've been in my thoughts most of the day, wondering how my life would be if I wasn't a prince, so the usual.

I hear a knock at my door, it's around dinner so I guess that it is my mother "Come in!" I yelled in an inside voice, to my surprise my best friend/personal guard, Sapnap burst into my room.

"Hey, dude! What's up?" I say with a genuine smile on my face. "Nothing man! Just making sure no one kidnaps you with your pretty face!" Sapnap says with a wink and followed by laugh, I laugh with him.

He always flirts, it's his style of humor, he once flirted with my mom to make her laugh. Luckily she knew Sapnap's humor, see, me and Sapnap have been friends since basically birth; my mom and Sapnap's mom have been friends before we were even born.

Sapnap gets his humor from his mother and that's how my mom wasn't weirded out by Sapnap flirting with her but she did have to explain it to my father because he was pretty confused and now it's a memory we laugh about.

"Ha ha, funny." I say rolling my eyes with a smile, trying to keep in my wheeze that most people would state sounds like a tea kettle.

It didn't work.

I started wheezing until my eyes watered hearing Sapnap laugh along, the laughing finally calmed down and Sapnap started talking again but in a hoarse voice from laughing a little too hard.

"Anyways, that was a nice laugh! The real reason why I'm in your room is because your mom wants to eat dinner, she also said she has news!"

News? Huh, I wonder what she wants to talk about...

"Alright, tell her I'll be down soon. I need to get ready now, get out, Snapmap." I said with a devilish smirk, knowing Sapnap hates that name.

He gave me a death glare and walked out the room slowly, still staring. I held in a laugh and as soon as the door closed, I let out the laugh, the laugh turning into a wheeze once again.


After my laughs and wheezes calm down, I start getting ready. I put on my cape that is green with white fur around the rim, I walk down into the dining room seeing my parents.

They sit in silence eating; they don't talk much during dinner, which is odd, but I don't mind it. I sit down and my mother starts talking to me.

"Hello Clay, we have some news." I usually get nervous when my mother says she has news knowing the news will probably be something between royalty.

I hold in my nervousness and answer "I heard, what is it about?" My mother started to smile a little, odd. She never smiles much.

"Well, me, your father, and the other kingdoms decided that we should host a party for the neighboring kingdom Asterin. It's being hosted to try and get rid of this little rivalry between our people!"

I stare, shocked. Did I hear her right? I can't say I'm not happy, I just hope that their prince or princess isn't super annoying.

"Oh? Uh, well when's the party?" I asked, jeez I'm a bit nervous to meet the next king or queen of Asterin, hell, I don't even know the gender of their prince or princess.

We never really had many talks and such with the neighboring kingdom, knowing our people will be fuming if we do.

"Well," my mother starts, glancing at my father with a smile and starting back up. "tomorrow!"



What if this prince or princess is a snob? What if they aren't? What if they're extremely annoying? What if they're not? What if they're...attractive? I feel my face warm up thinking that.



Word count: 656

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