Chapter 48: L'manburg

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~ George's POV ~

Dream and I headed to his room so he could get ready. I walked into the room I've only just seen a few days ago. Dream headed to a dresser and pulled out a tux, I turned my head knowing he would be changing soon.

"George. You know you can look, right?" Dream said, making my face flush. "U-uh, but wouldn't it be... rude?" George asked, still looking away. Dream laughed lightly "No, no it's not. If I said I didn't want you to look and you looked THEN it would be rude." Dream said.

I took a deep breath in and turned to look at Dream, I was met with a shirtless Dream making my face flush more. "N-no, I can't." I said, hiding my face in my hands. "That's fine, George. I know I'm hot." Dream said smugly.

I moved my hands away I looked at him "T-that's not what I sa..." I couldn't help but look at him slowly buttoning up his white shirt. Why is that so hot...? He laughed making me snap out of my trance. "W-whatever just get ready, idiot." I said crossing my arms and my blazing red face looking away.

I heard shuffling and then Dream appeared in front of my face, fully dressed and smiling down at me, I looked up at him. "You're cute when you're flustered, Hun." He said, smiling. "U-uh. Whatever!" I said, glancing away but looking right back at him.

He softly put his hand on my cheek and leaned down to kiss me, I kissed him back. It was a short kiss but I still loved it as much. "Okay, Hun. Let's go." Dream said, walking to the door to open it for me. "You don't need to do that Dream..." I said, still grateful.

"I want to do it for you." He said back with a smile and I rolled my eyes playful, as I walked to where Dream was I kissed his cheek and walked out the door. It took him a few minutes to come to my side so I looked back at him and he was still at the door, blushing and touching his cheek. Oops. I broke him.

I laughed and he was broke from his trance, he looked at me and jogged over. "S-sorry." He said, face pink and a shy smile. "Your fine Dream." I said after I was done laughing with a smile on his face. We continued walking to the dining room, hands intertwined with smiles on our faces.


We finally got to the dining room and everyone was already sitting down, Dream's parents sat together, Sapnap and Karl sat across from each other next to Dream's parents. Dream went to sit next to Sapnap and I went to sit next to Karl. A few minutes after I sat down, a guard from the front came over to Dream's father.

"They're here, should we let them in?" The guard asked, Dream's dad nodded and the guard rushed over to open the doors. Suddenly the castle got a lot louder. Two teen boys came in, one blond with blue eyes and the other with brown hair and brown eyes.

The blond wore a white shirt with red short sleeves, the other boy wore a green button up. "Tubbo, I totally won that time!" the blond screeched at the brown haired-boy who was named Tubbo. "No you didn't Tommy! I did!" Tubbo yelled at the blond, who was named Tommy.

They both had British voices like me, I would find it cool if they weren't screaming. A woman with medium length blond hair came in between the two. "Stop you two!" she yelled. "Sorry Niki." Tubbo muttered, but Tommy on the other hand reacted differently.

Tommy crossed his arms "C'mon Tubbo! Don't listen to her!" Tommy yelled. The woman, who was named Niki was about to say something but a man with a crown on his head and curly brown hair appeared behind Tommy, hitting him on the head.

"Ow, what the hell Wilbur!" Tommy screeched. "Shush, child." Wilbur said. "I'm not a child." Tommy bit back, turning away to look at the door. Finally a man with blond hair came in the doors "Philllll, Wilbur called me a childddd!" Tommy said, pointing at Wilbur, talking to the blond man that was named Phil? I thought Dream said we were going to talk to someone named Philza.

Oh. Nickname. I'm an idiot. "He's right." Phil answered. I almost started laughing at the man's response. Tommy huffed and finally gave up, Wilbur stepped in front of the chair on the other end. "Sorry about that, they are children." Tommy was about to bite back but Niki hit him on the head again, him turning around and saying ow, complaining.

"It's... fine. Go on and sit." Dream's dad said. Wilbur sat down and Niki sat down next to him, Tommy ran to sit by Wilbur as Tubbo trailed behind Tommy. Phil went to sit by Niki and sat down. Soon after they got into their seats Puffy came out with Bad and Skeppy with plates of food.

Bad put down a plate for Dream's mother and father first, going back to the kitchen getting more plates. Skeppy gave Dream and me a plate. He tried to set it down for me but I did the same thing I always did for Ranboo and he mouthed a 'thank you.'

Puffy placed a plate down with Wilbur and Niki, doing the same as Skeppy and Bad did. They soon came back with more plates, Bad gave Karl and Sapnap their food, Skeppy gave Tubbo and Tommy their food, and Puffy placed down a plate for Phil.

Everyone started talking and eating, Tommy being the loudest at the table and Tubbo being mostly quiet but he did have his moments when he was loud. They were a bit chaotic but it was kind of nice, they were laid back.

Niki was sweet and caring, she kind of reminded me of my mother, Wilbur was a bit like Tommy and Tubbo but more adult like, Phil was a laid back man that said things with no hestainion, Tommy was loud and energetic, Tubbo was quiet but he was loud at times and seem really nice.

We found out that Phil was the king, obviously, and Wilbur was just a prince, Niki was just a princess, Tommy and Tubbo were apparently Wilbur's brothers, making them princes as well. They were pretty interesting. We also found out that Wilbur and Niki were planning to marry.

After an hour they left and I was a bit sad, they were chaotic, yes, but it was a nice kind of change. Dream and I went upstairs so Dream could change. He quickly changed since he wanted to spend as much time with me as humanly possible.

We decided to head to the garden to stargaze... it kind of reminded me of my dream.


Word count: 1,254

A/N: I thought I'd give a little backstory on Wilbur and Niki because this was kind of just a little filler chapter. So Wilbur and Niki are planning to marry because they are being forced (well Phil isn't forcing them but Niki's parents are) but Niki is okay with it because her and Wilbur agreed that they will just stay best friends and agreed that if they find someone else they love, they can be with that person.

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