Chapter 6: The Day Before

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~  George's POV  ~

I wake up to the sun peering into my room, making my eyes squint from the sudden light.

"Ughhhh, it's so early. I don't wanna get up!" I mumble into my pillow, closing my eyes.

I was about to fall back asleep but then I remembered.

The party's today.


I practically jump out of my bed and start getting ready, I put on a light blue shirt with black pants. I throw on my cape and start heading downstairs for breakfast, meeting Karl half-way to the dining room.

"Hello George! How was your sleep?" My mother asks, her British accent showing a bit more since we have all just awoken.

"It was good, mother! I'm really excited for the party, did Zemira already pick a theme? Where is it going to be?" I ask, sitting in my chair, Karl standing against the wall listening with a small smile on his face.

My father takes over for my mother's speaking, as she was eating. "We do not know the theme right now, but I bet it will be amazing and it'll be in the ballroom."

My father states, void of any emotion. I sighed quietly and nodded, starting to eat in a uncomfortable silence but my mind was screaming with excitement

~  Clay's POV  ~

"WAKE UP DREAMYYYYYYY" I heard Sapnap's voice, ready for the day. Why is he like this? "Sapnap, why? It's so early..." I mumble, my words laced with tiredness.

"The party's today and I'm bored so get up!" He said, throwing a pillow at my head. I move out of the way causing the pillow to fly over me and I start to wake up more.


The party.

It's today.

I jumped out of bed and shoo him saying I have get ready. I threw on a green shirt with a small smiley face in the corner and put on dark brown pants, I quickly put and tie my cape. I walk out and Sapnap follows me, talking and laughing all the way to the dining room to eat.

"Hey mom!" I said happily, sitting down and Sapnap leaving my side, resting his body against the wall.

"Hey Clay, you seem rather excited!" My mother said with a small smile, I mean why wouldn't I be? I get to see the neighboring kingdoms' prince or princess for the first time!

"Yup! I'm kind of excited for the party, speaking of that, when's the party? Oh, and where are we hosting?" I ask my questions I wondered since last night, sitting down.

"Oh! Yes, we forgot to tell you the most important things! Well the party is at 8PM and ends at 11PM and the party is going to be hosted in the ballroom!" My mother says happily, I'm basically exploding with happiness but also... curiosity?

I'm so curious about what this prince or princess looks like and I can't get it off my brain. I thank my mother for telling me the details and start eating in silence, my thoughts filling my brain.


Word count: 512

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