Chapter 17: He's like an Angel

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~ George's POV ~

Dream's figure totally engulfed my body, it felt right. Like his arms were made to wrap around me?

Wait, is that weird to say?

No, I don't care, it felt right. I wanted to stay here forever, but I knew we couldn't.

I wanted to stay a little longer at least but of course, faith wasn't on my side. "Dream, dear! Dinner is almost ready, bring your friend with you!"

Dream's mother said, me and Dream both jumped, luckily, we weren't facing the door, Dream's mother probably saw one of our shoulders or feet.

We moved away from each other, blushing like crazy. "Y-Yeah mother, we'll be there in a minute!" Dream yelled to his mother.

"Alright dear, don't take too long!" his mother yelled back, and we heard the door close. As soon as we heard the door close Dream sighed, climbing to his feet.

"As I would love to stay here longer, it seems like we have to go." Dream says, smiling a sweet small smile, reaching a hand to me to help me up.

I looked up to him and gladly took it, with a smile. As soon as I got up, Dream started walking away, "Race me!" He yells.

Before I can process what, he said, he starts running. I look at him for a split second and run after him, us both laughing happily.

I was running too fast to stop, my face smashing into Dream's back since he stopped. He was looking at the door, like he didn't want to go back in.

My nose hurt like hell but I dismissed it, slipping my hand to hold Dream's. He flinched but quickly intertwined his fingers with mine, looking down at me with a smile, me returning it.

~ Clay's POV ~

George's comfort made my heart flutter and felt a lot of what people called; I think butterflies?

His hand fit perfectly; I didn't notice it before while we were dancing because I was too distracted by how close our bodies were.

The way he looked at me, looking at his small freckles, and his beautiful porcelain looking skin. Everything he did was utterly perfect, not one flaw.

I opened the door, my nose filled with the smell of food. I looked at George and I saw his eyes light up.

Oh geez, how am I going to eat with this angel at the table?


Word count: 404

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