Chapter 35: Don't Ignore Your Gut Feelings

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Tw: swearing and mild physical abuse

~ Clay's POV ~

Once I left George's castle, I felt different. I couldn't place my finger on it...

Like I was missing half of me?

Was that it? When I'm around him I feel... complete? Like he completes me?

Yes. That was it. I didn't have to think twice this time, my heart knew. My brain tricks me, but I've figured out that my heart has been more correct than my brain.

But then it hit me.

If my heart has been correct so many times, then...

Did I like George?

No. Like doesn't feel right.


Do I love George?

I obviously like George, I kissed him for god's sake! But love?

Yes. I wasn't sure how much but.

I love George.

I sigh contently, it felt like million bricks were taken off of me that I didn't even notice were there. I smile at the fact that I confirm for myself.

I loved George. I didn't know how much I loved George but all I knew is that I loved him.


I finally got back to the castle, I was exhausted and ready to go to bed.

I check if all the guards were asleep and they were. Thank Christ.

I climb up to my balcony and opened the glass doors that showed my room from the outside. I yawned and get ready for bed.

After I finished getting changed, I threw myself onto the bed, ready to finally sleep. I got comfortable in my sheets and smile at the events that happened.

I kissed George, I cuddled George. I would be lying if I said I wasn't already missing him and his touch. I felt a bit cold without him there.

I sighed at that thought but shook it off, wanting to actually sleep instead of thinking until 6am. I turned on my side and my eyes quickly shut, taking me into a deep sleep.

~ George's POV ~

Dream had left and I felt. Empty? No. Not exactly that. Like part of me left. Like half of me just, disappear? I sighed at the thought and went to my bed, getting comfortable.

I was quite happy about the events that happened tonight. The surprised visit, the talking, the kissing, the cuddling. But I felt... uneasy? Like someone watched us?

Maybe I'm just paranoid. But my gut kept saying that someone watched, but I ignored it.

I shook off the feeling and fell asleep from the tiredness that suddenly hit me.


I woke up and got ready, as soon as I finished getting ready a maid came upstairs; telling me that it was breakfast and that my father wanted to talk.

Odd. He never talked to me much, I wonder what he needs to talk about.

I head downstairs and get comfortable in a chair. I sat down and the air was thick... with, tension? My mother had an unreadable look on her face, sad, angry? I couldn't tell.

But my father looked furious, he was glaring at me which made me quite uncomfortable. I looked at him meeting his gaze.

I looked at my mother, "Mother... is everything, alright?" I said cautiously, knowing something was up. My father answered instead.

"No. Would you like to care and explain why someone was in your room at 4AM?" My father said with an angry tone.

My eyes widened and my head snapped back at him. I could quite literally see flames in his eyes from being so furious. "I- what are you talking about?" I said, acting oblivious.

But I wasn't, I knew what he was talking about.

"Do not lie to me boy! One of the maids heard something from your room and saw you and someone. On top of that, kissing!" He exclaimed. I sighed; I knew he knew. I couldn't lie.

"Fine, yeah. Someone was in my room, but who cares!? I'm 23 years old, I'm not some teenager!" I said, defending myself. This was ridiculous.

My father got up and walked over to my seat, grabbing my wrist tightly and making me squeak from pain.

"I do not care! Are you an idiot!? Who was it?" He said, angry lacing his words. I stared him down with the same glare. I'm done with this shit.

I'm done being treated like just some prince who needs to be perfect.

"It's not any of your goddamn business! I have a life; you can't control me! If I let someone in my room, I can! I'm not a teenager, I'm a grown ass adult! I'm so done with your guys shit!"

My father's face just became more tense with anger, he lifted his hand and...


My cheek stung, my eyes wide. I touched my cheek and looked back at him. He slapped me. I ripped his hand off my wrist and walked away.

"Get back here! We are not done talking!" he exclaimed. "I'm done talking so fuck off!" I screamed, still walking out of the dining room.

Once I was a few halls down, I ran. I ran and ran. Tears flooded my eyes as I ran back to my room. I knew my father was aggressive, but he has never slapped me.

I wasn't sad. I was pissed off. I couldn't believe him, he treated me like I was a 15-year-old! I was so done with this.

Done being treated like a child, done being perfect.

Done with being a prince.

So, fuck it all. Why not break more rules? I already broke three, why not more?

I only live once and I need to see Dream as soon as I can. I didn't care anymore; he broke rules for me. So, I'll break them for him.

I only live once.

Tonight, I'll see Dream again. Fuck the rules, fuck the title, fuck the consequences. Fuck everything to put it simple.

What more did I have to lose?


Word Count: 1,020

A/N: God decided to let me live today so I'm making it everyone's problem😍

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