Chapter 10: A Loss for Words

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~  Clay's POV  ~

I walked into the ballroom; it was beautiful... An amazing chandelier hung from the roof giving the room a beautiful yellow look in it.

Multiple windows pointed out towards the moon and forest, the moon giving out a white tint mixing the yellow and white colors together.

The floor patterned with multiple shapes and multiple lights on the wall, making the room a bit more yellow. It was beautiful.

(This is basically what the ballroom looks like, but you can imagine something different if you like:] and yes i know theres a ghost shhh its ghostbur)

(This is basically what the ballroom looks like, but you can imagine something different if you like:] and yes i know theres a ghost shhh its ghostbur)

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I was getting more nervous by the second. The stunning ballroom didn't keep my mind off my thoughts. Geez, this prince or princess is stabbing my brain and I didn't even know this person.

~ George's POV  ~

We got closer and closer, the closer we got, the more I got nervous. We probably had like 5 more minutes until we got there, and I felt like I wanted to throw up.

I was so nervous that it hurt. 'Just breathe George, it'll be okay' I kept telling myself. I could see the lights of the ballroom and a door leading into the ballroom, holy crap.

It's happening. Am I dreaming?

We got closer and closer to the door making me grow more and more nervous.

"Alright, we're here!" my mother said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Go ahead in guys, I'll be there in a minute."

I said, my voice obviously shaking a bit, they nodded, Karl wanted to stay but he understood I needed a moment since he could probably feel the nervousness radiating off me.

They headed inside and I used the walls to rest on for a few minutes. My mind was racing, my thoughts stabbing me.

All my thoughts were good before but they're totally different now I kept thinking about if... I messed up the littlest that this prince or princess would hate me.

I finally calmed down, I was out there for a few minutes maybe like 5 minutes or so I didn't know, I lose count.

It's time to go in.

I walked in, rushing to my parents, I looked down for a few minutes and lifted my head to look at the prince or princess I've dreaming of.

I was at a loss for words, the only word that came to my mind, wow.


Word count: 403

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