Chapter 12: Same Boat

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~  George's POV  ~

I stared at Clay, he said to call him Dream so I would. If we talked...I was sure my nervousness would make this difficult.

I decided to look away from Dream to make sure I didn't make it awkward. I looked at Karl and his face... it was red, he was looking at someone.

Dream's personal guard.

Karl glanced quickly at me, glanced back to Dream's guard, and then realized I was looking at him again. He looked at me and gave me a smile, "I can see who you're looking at, Karl." I whispered, smiling. He looked shocked but it quickly fades. "Was it that obvious?" he asked, looking down a bit with a small embarrassed smile.

"Of course, it was Karl. You should talk to him!" I exclaim quietly.  He looks at me like I'm crazy but then it looks like a light bulb goes off in his head.

He smiles, the shocked look he had fading. "I'll talk to him if you talk to 'Dream'!" He says, of course he would say that, I glare at him before sighing softly.

"Fine." I say looking down, I side-eyed Karl and saw his evil smirk, causing me to sigh. My parents went over to the king and queen to chat with them.

Karl went straight over to Sapnap, both of them getting red, but looking super happy. I hope they get along.

I then looked over to Dream, I promised...

I walked over to Dream, every step I took, the more I felt scared. I finally made it to him, right in front of him.

Wow... he's taller when you're closer. I look up and smile "H-hi, Dream." I say nervously.

Oh jeez, I can't even say hi.

He looks down at me, basically grinning ear to ear, "Hey, Georgie." He said confidently, I smiled but oh my god I wanted to melt at that moment.

"I guess we should get to know each other, eh?" I question. "Yeah, let's go to a corner, I need a wall to lean against."

He says laughing lightly, me joining him. He grabs my wrist and leads me to a wall; I know my face is beet red, feeling the heat radiating off of me.

~  Clay's POV  ~

We were both nervous and it was obvious, but it made me feel way better. At least we were both equally nervous. We head to the corner and talk.

We got along really well, we laughed so much, and my tea kettle themed wheeze came out, people mostly made fun of me for it, but he laughed along.

It felt... right.

Like it was meant for us to meet? We made so much sense.

We had a ton of the same interests obviously we had a few different interests but most of them we're the exact same. Only after an hour and I trusted this man with my life.


How is he doing this to me?

What is he doing to me?

What is this feeling?


"Hey... I wanna ask a question." George asked, I was a bit confused but nodded.

"I know this is odd but... I trust you. Even though we've only met you an hour ago, I don't know how but it feels right.

So, I wanted to ask you something, to know I'm not selfish or dumb for thinking the way I do. Do you sometimes... wish you weren't a prince?"

George asked, his eyes filled with a sad, curious look. I stared wide-eyed, a lot more things about me and him being in common.

"Yeah actually... sometimes I want to go and travel, look around, not be trained to be a perfect prince.

Not be worried about wars and little rivalry. Talk to whoever I want without my people thinking it's a bad idea and complaining that I talked to that one person.

I want to be free. I thought I was the only one..."

I just spilled multiple things about someone I have only known for an hour but... It felt right, everything felt right. I trusted him and he trusted me.

It feels right. I know it's right. I can feel it.

"I did too. I thought you were going to say it was amazing and call me selfish, not talk to me again." he laughs dryly.

I look at him and I confess, "I trust you a lot, if I never talked to you again then I would be missing out." My brain is screaming at me for saying that, but it felt right to say it.'

I felt a lot lighter saying that. A small smile spread on my face, George looked down blushing and then looking back at me with a small smile on his face.

And something else I couldn't read. "I feel the same." George simply said, smiling softly and looking down a bit.


We talked for a little longer, and then both of our both of our personal guards came up to us. "Do you mind if we pull you two away for a few minutes?"

Sapnap asks, winking at us, then glancing at Karl, looking away quickly, blushing a bit.

I nodded, sad to be away from George but I can tell Sapnap what happened. Me and George went different ways, our personal guards leading us elsewhere.

Sapnap started talking right when we were far enough to not hear the other two.

"Dude, Karl is awesome! He makes me feel different, I can't tell what it is. " Sapnap whispered.


My best friend was going through the same thing, I knew it when I saw how he reacted when he saw Karl.

"I can say the same for George." I say looking away from Sapnap, looking at George a small smile forming on my face along with a small form of pink.

Sapnap looked over too, looking where I was looking and then looking at Karl, "We're in the same boat, eh?" Sapnap asked, I hum, and he nods.

We look away from them and start talking about what happened, both looking away from George and Karl

~  George's POV  ~

Karl sighs in a happy tone, looking like he's exploding with happiness, "Sapnap is so cool..." he says with a smile and blush.

I smiled, happy that they were getting along. "I take that it's going well then?" I question. He smiles and nods.

"We got along so quickly, laughing, and talking about whatever came to my head. He's so nice, funny, handsom-"

He cuts himself off, looking shocked at what he was about to say "Handsome." I finish his sentence for him, and my eyes go to Dream.

Karl looks confused for a moment and gets it "Looks like we both have something going for us?" He questions with a smirk, I nod. We both start talking about what happened.

After explaining what happened we both went back to Dream and Sapnap, they just finished right when we started heading over to them, both smiling.

Me and Dream went back to talking while Karl and Sapnap headed to the dance floor filled with other people, dancing their hearts away.

This party is even better than my fantasies were, it's amazing.


Word count: 1,209

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