Chapter 52: Where I Belong

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~   George's POV   ~

"Skeppy language!" Bad yelled, hitting Skeppy's shoulder, Dream was next to me wheezing causing me to laugh ten times harder than before. "But Tommy was allowed to swear!" Skeppy exclaimed. "No he isn't! And Tommy, language." Bad said, glaring at Tommy "Language this, language that it's fineee it's not hurting anyone!" Tommy said. Bad looked at Tommy like he wanted to rip him apart "It's hurting me!" Bad yelled, pointing to himself, at this point I couldn't breath from laughing so hard.

They continued to argue as me and Dream calm down and wipe the tears that came out from laughing so hard, I snuggled closer to Dream and watched the chaos play out, Bad yelling language at Tommy and Skeppy, Tubbo and Ranboo laughing at the scene before them, and Puffy throwing flirty jokes about Skeppy and Bad relationship. Yup. Pure chaos.

I sighed and smiled softly "They're all idiots but you have to love them." I whispered to Dream, I looked up to him and he looked down at me "Yeah." he whispered, he glanced at my lips but quickly looked into my eyes. I smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek making his face turn red "U-um thanks." he said with a shy smile "Of course Dreamy." I said, turning back to the chaos that was still taking place. "Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked him, looking back at him, he nodded "My dads gone, he and my mom are divorcing." I said, Dream's expression turned shocked "I-I'm sorry Georgie..." He said. "No, no don't be. I'm actually... happy. As weird as that sounds" I said, he hummed and put his arm around my shoulder "Well, if you're happy, then I am." Dream said with a smile, I smiled also and turned back, of course it still being chaotic.

A knock echoed through the kitchen, pausing everything that was happening. A maid came in, smiling "Uhm, Prince Clay? Your father said that Bad and Skeppy need to cook for dinner." She said, we nodded and got up "Alright Bad and Skeppy, we'll get out of your hair for now." Dream said, Bad thanked him and we left. Sapnap and Karl went wherever they went, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo went into the main room, and me and Dream headed to his room to hang out.

Me and Dream got to his room and he opened the door for me, I thanked him and walked into the room, I heard him closed the door and hugged me from behind, I looked to Dream, who was resting his head on my shoulder. "Hi." I whispered softly, he smiled "Hi." Dream repeated, the same tone and everything. I looked at his lips and then back into his eyes, he did the same but his gaze lingered on my lips a bit longer. "Can I?" Dream whispered, I nodded and he quickly connected our lips.

The kiss was full of love and I loved it, but it soon became hungry and full of need, at this point Dream had let me go and was in front of me, holding my waist. He led me to the bed, disconnected our lips and sat down head leaning on the headboard. I scrambled into the bed and got onto his lap, straddling him. The sweet kiss had become a full make-out session, he explored every little bit of the inside of my mouth, making me moan into the kiss. After a bit we disconnected and we smiled, he pulled me down, making my head lean on his chest, his arms around me.

I smiled and started to doze off, before I fell asleep I heard 'I love you' mumbled from Dream, since his face was in my hair. That's all I needed to hear to know that when I told Dream I was ready, it would be okay. After what felt like a while of sleeping, I woke up "Hey Georgie, dinner's ready." Dream said with a smile I nodded and got up, intertwining my hand with Dreams, my head leaning on his shoulder. We got to the dining room and saw Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo sitting down next to each other. Sapnap was sitting with Karl, hands intertwined, Wilbur and Niki sat opposite of Dream's parents, talking to them and Bad, Skeppy, and Puffy watched from the kitchen, eating some food.

We headed to where we usually sat down and got comfortable, I let go of Dream's hand so we could both eat. Of course Bad and Skeppy's food was wonderful, just smelling it made my mouth water, I took a bite and moaned quietly from how good the food tasted. I smiled and continued to eat, preparing for what I was going to do after this.

We all finished eating and I was a nervous wreck, but I had a feeling it would be okay. "Dream...?" I questioned quietly, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow "Yeah Georgie?" He asked "I'm ready to talk, can we go to the garden?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers from being nervous. He nodded "Yeah, okay, of course Georgie. Let's go." Dream said, intertwining our hands and leaning me to the garden.

After a bit of walking we made it to the glass doors, showing the garden and a beautiful starry sky. Dream opened the doors and let me go in first, I thanked him and he closed the doors, turning to me. He was doing good at pretending he wasn't nervous but I, myself, felt the nervous energy coming off him. "What did you need to talk about Georgie?" He asked. I took a breath. It's time.

"Dream. We've been doing these little dates for like what? 2 months? Dream...I-I'm ready. I want to be with you." I said, super nervous for what he would say, his 'calm' expression changed to pure shock "Y-your serious?" He asked, voice trembling, I nodded softly and I was suddenly embraced in a tight hug. "George! Holy shit, George, oh my god." Dream said, sounding like he was crying, he pulled away so I could see his face and I was right, tear tracks running down his face "D-Dream? Why are you crying?" I asked softly, he shook his head softly "I'm just so happy, I feel like this is a dream." he said, letting a happy chuckle out, I smiled and connected our lips, he kissed back right away.

I pulled away "Did that make you believe this isn't a dream?" I asked him, he laughed "It did. So George, we're... together?" He asked softly "No. Obviously we are, you  idiot! Dream, I want to be yours. I want to be your boyfriend." He smiled at my words and connected our lips again, the kiss soft and full of so much love. He disconnected our lips again and smiled softly "I love you Georgie..." He whispered "I-I... I love you too Dreamy." I said, smiling. He sat down on the grass and held out his arms for me to enter, I obeyed and cuddled him, looking at the stars, like that day we met.

"Dream... can I tell you something?" I asked quietly, he nodded "I'll be honest, I've never believed in soulmates or anything but... everything changed when I met you." I said softly, looking up to look at him. "Can I also tell you something George?" He asked, I nodded. He looked down at me "Either did I." I smiled and connected our lips. It was too soon to be sure, but I felt this is where I belong.


Word count: 1,281

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