Chapter 29: Day Two

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~   Clay's POV   ~

I woke up feeling well... Amazing, of course! I just finished one day of studying, AND it was successful! My parents didn't see anything, thank god for that.

Today I was going to be studying the maids' movements, I knew that they at least went in at 12am because I didn't see them last night. I can't be too sure though, maybe I just got lucky.

Until then, I was stuck reading books, since Sapnap, once again, had guard duties. He said he wouldn't be free till tomorrow so at least I will have something to do before studying the guards!

Sapnap was usually busy with guard things, he signed up to be so many things because he wanted to be useful to our kingdom, everyone loved him dearly because of that.

It made it even better that he was fearless. He was a strong one, but no one has really seen behind the strong, besides me.

When he wasn't being strong, he was cracking dumb jokes that were so dumb that they made me laugh, that's what I admired about Sap. He could crack jokes like that with my parents, but if I cracked just a bit, I would get scolded.

Sometimes I wish I could just give someone else the title of 'prince' or 'future king' . That's all people saw me as. The future king.

I mean I didn't mind but I wish they saw me as something else other than royalty. I've learned how to just ignore those feelings, push them deep, deep down.

But you can't keep feelings hidden, especially if you're keeping them hidden from yourself.

I sighed and decided to focus on a book. Thinking will make time go slower and that was the last thing I wanted.


It was 8PM, and of course a maid came to report to me that dinner was made. I thanked her and got ready for dinner like I always did.

I got down to the dining table and like always, the same thing happened. Parents were quiet, I sat down, my parents asked how my day was, I lied and said good, and then we ate in silence.

After my parents finished, they headed to their room. Time to go for the second time.

I only cared about the 3rd floor maids, since that's where my room was. I didn't have to do much studying for the maids. Just watching when maids passed my door.

I finally hit 12am, only 4 maids wandered near my door during the time I was studying them. I decided to go out of my room and make sure that this was actually the time the maids headed to bed.

I wander the halls, not seeing one soul. Perfect. I decided to wander a bit more though. It sucks being a prince but the beautiful hallways I see are worth it.

The castle was stunning at night, the windows bought the moonlight into the castle halls, making the floors have a beautiful white tint.

The shadows of each wall made it quite cooler, it made it feel magically. The stars shined through the huge windows, making it an even more magical sight.

I sighed and imagined how George would react to how beautiful it was. He would probably be smiling ear to ear. I imagined me and George dancing through these halls, having tons of fun while the moon shined through.

The moon would probably make George's skin look magically and his hair tint with the white, his eyes would probably be even prettier than the stars.

God, I missed him so much.

~   George's POV   ~

My entire day was boring, filled with thinking and reading. I couldn't take it; I was so bored. I had another feeling though. Anger.

I wasn't angry at anyone, I just missed Dream so much that I got angry. Weird, right? I just wish I could walk out of these stupid castle walls and run to him, hug him until our arms hurt.

I wished and hoped he would be here soon, made up the most perfect plan. I wished and hoped he was thinking of me like he told me to do with him.

I missed him so much that I hurt. I felt something rolling down my cheek and touched it.


I didn't even notice I was crying but I just let them roll down my face, I didn't care. I knew I shouldn't cry; I would be breaking a rule.

'Prince's don't cry, don't show weakness.'

I didn't care right now; I couldn't care less. I needed to let the angry come out in the form of tears.

I looked at the castle, the moonlight making it tint white, making it look beautiful. I wonder what Dream was doing right now. I wonder what he looked like from the beautiful moon tinting his tan skin.

I knew he would look beautiful. Just me thinking of Dream made more tears pour out, it hurt. I missed him oh so dearly. I knew I would see him again, just... when?


After a while of silently crying I wiped my tears and got ready for bed. I knew it would be best for me to get as much rest as I could. I got into my covers and surprisingly fell asleep quickly.

Who knew crying would make you so tired, I wouldn't know.


Word count: 902

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