Chapter 5: Thinking and Thinking

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~  George's POV  ~

Karl left around 8 or 9 PM, I didn't really remember because I was so lost in reading and well my thoughts as well.

I finish a book around 10 PM and head to the window near my desk, showing the trees and a little bit of the neighboring kingdom.

I stared for a bit, getting lost in my thoughts; things like I hope I like good, what if the prince or princess thinks I look terrible? What would they look like? What would they wear? What would I wear? My brain always went back to the thought of 'what if they're attractive'.

After around 15 minutes of getting lost in my thoughts, I get ready for bed, knowing I should get a good amount of sleep.

I change into comfortable clothes and head off to sleep, imagining what this prince or princess will look like.

~  Clay's POV  ~

After hours of me and Sapnap joking around and reading he left to go get sleep. I got into something comfortable, throwing myself onto my bed after getting changed.

I was so tired, but I kept thinking and thinking. What if this prince is annoying? What if they think I'm annoying?

I hope they're nice. What if they're funny? We will probably get along really well if that's the case. What time is this party anyway? Guess I'll find out tomorrow at breakfast.

I kept thinking until that one thought came back to my brain...

What if they're... attractive?

Why did that thought come to my head every time I thought about this party? I haven't seen this person once so why does it matter? Why does it keep coming back? And why am I okay thinking this thought?

I snapped out of my thoughts when something fell over, it was just a cup of pens and pencils. It probably fell over since it was overflowing with pens and pencils.

I look at the time and notice it's late and I should probably sleep. After I finally get comfortable, I fall asleep, still thinking while drifting off.

The thinking haunted me, when will it end?

Hopefully soon...


Word count: 360

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