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~   George's POV   ~

Me and Dream had been fiancés for 4 months, we started actually planning the 1 month of being fiancés and I loved the fact I could say that he would be mine forever. Me and my mother ended up winning the war between my father's kingdom, he finally understood he would never win.

Me and Dream's people were angry that we were getting married for a bit but then they started to get used to it, many people ended up finding lovers from Dream's kingdom, funny enough. And as we were both males, people soon found out that it wasn't bad to like the same gender, obviously not many people were like that or didn't like it but people got the confidence to start loving whoever they want.

I actually remember going to a baker with Dream to think of cake ideas and I saw two girls, who I supposed were teenagers, cuddling in the shop together and Dream had actually seen the other girl from his kingdom. It was sweet to see the two, they kind of reminded me of me and Dream in a way, just as girls, it made my day in a way.

My mother and the shopkeeper, who's name was Jace, had gotten together after the war and they were doing really well. We ended up finding the maid that Doulgas had slept with and fired her, my mother was still a bit angry over it during the war but Jace helped her heal and forget Doulgas.

My mother freaked out when I came home with a ring on my finger, she told me Dream had asked if it was alright to propose to me during December but she didn't get an actual date. My mother had found out about the sneaking out I did to see Dream, as he did the same, so did Dream's parents but they were okay with it, they actually laughed about it. My mother was really happy that I had finally found someone, Jace had found out that I was gay and was fiancés with Dream and he didn't mind, he actually found it cool. Me, my mother, and Jace got along well and spent more time together, Jace let Ranboo relax more which Ranboo thanked him for everyday still. I was happy my mom had found someone like Jace, he was what we needed to fix the castle, these peoples, and ourselves.

Ranboo had become head maid but he was able to go to Dream's castle a lot more since the head maid had to do whatever the future king wanted, and I wanted Ranboo to be with his friends so he always came with me and Karl when we went to Dream's castle. Bad and Skeppy are now fiancés, Skeppy proposed last month, and Karl and Sapnap were still trying to get closer as boyfriends before marriage.

But that's just a summary of what happened then, but let's sum up what's happening today in 7 words: Me and Dream are getting married officially. And I was currently looking at myself in the full-body mirror looking at the white dress with light blue fading at the bottom of the dress, I chose a dress so I could show our people that people can wear whatever they want, no matter what gender. When Dream found out I picked a dress he wanted to see to see it so bad but I wanted to surprise him but when I heard he got his suit he did the same thing to me so I have no idea what his suit looks like, in all honesty I had an idea it would be green, well, yellow for me but you get the point.

I heard the door open and I saw Karl in a purple suit "Hey George!" Karl exclaimed happily, throwing his arms in the air "Karl! Hi!" I exclaimed in tone, throwing my arms out to give Karl a hug, he quickly ran into my arms and gave me a tight hug. "God, you look awesome! I can't believe you're getting married today!" Karl said joyfully "I can't either, it doesn't even feel real." I said, chuckling.

He pulled away, "I'm so going to cry." Karl said laughing, I laughed with him "It's going to take everything in me to not cry up there." I replied, still laughing with him. After we calmed down, I had a small smile. "I'm nervous." I said quietly, he had a small smile also "Don't worry okay?" It'll be alright." Karl said with the same small smile.

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