Chapter 36: The Nice Memories

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~   Clay's POV   ~

I woke up to light beaming into my windows, making my eyes squint from the sudden light. I stretch and rub my eyes, trying to awake myself a bit more.

I grab my pocket-watch and look at the time. 12:49. Wow. That's the first time I've slept in. I mean can you blame me?

I did sneak out to another prince's castle at 2am and kissed him, then cuddled him until 4am. I had a long, enjoyable night. But still long.

I decided I should go and show my parents that I wasn't dead, so I got up and quickly got dressed. Putting on my cloak, crown, you get the idea.

I started out of my room and went down to the dining room, I decided I should probably get breakfast. Well. Lunch, I suppose. I head to the kitchen to grab a quick snack.

"AH!" I hear someone exclaim, I turn and see my hooded friend. "Bad! Are you alright?" I ask, concerned why he yelled. "You scared me! Jeez, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Just grabbing something for lunch. Where's Skeppy?" I say, looking around the room for him. "Oh! He went out to pick a few apples, he should be back around no-" Bad gets cut off by a screech.

We both cringe and Skeppy comes bouncing into the room with a bucket of apples, green and red.

He looks at Bad, smiling and then he looks at me like he didn't see me. "Oh, hey Dream! Whatcha doing here?" He asked, placing the bucket of apples onto a counter and slithering his arm around Bad's waist.

Everyone in the castle is convinced they are a thing and they always denied it. We don't believe them one bit. But we'll find out at some point, so we don't ask anymore.

"I was grabbing lunch; do you guys have any suggestions?" I question with a smiling; they just stare at me like I grew elf ears or something.

"What?" I ask, confused why they were staring at me like that. "Of course, we have suggestions for you silly muffins! What kind of chef or baker doesn't have food suggestions!?" Bad exclaims laughing a bit.

"Oh shush! I suppose you're right." I exclaim back at him, laughing with him. Skeppy soon joins and we laugh for like 10 minutes.

After we finish laughing Bad speaks up, "Anyways, you could have muffins? We made blueberry ones if you'd like!" Bad says with a smile on his face. I nod and Bad goes to the muffin tray that as he said, had blueberry muffins in it.

He grabs a plate and puts the muffin onto the plate, handing it to me after he is done. "There you go Dream!" he says with a smile. "Hey Bad, Skeppy? Do you mind if I eat in here?" I asked.

They nodded and I went to rest my back on a counter, my plate in front of me. "So, Dream, where were you for breakfast? It's okay you don't want to tell me, I'm just curious." Bad questions.

I look at him and debate if I should tell him the truth, a lie, or a half truth. No. As much as I trust Skeppy and Bad I don't want to risk it. I'll tell them a half truth.

"Well... I think I like someone. A prince. To put it more simply. Prince George. I can't stop thinking about him since the party we hosted." I say, I mean like I said it's a half truth.

I did think about him and I do like him. Only thing, I snuck out and kissed him, then cuddled him. But I think for now I'll keep that one to myself. Bad squeals happily making Skeppy jump a bit but then smile.

"Oh! My! God! Dream that is so cute! I bet he feels the same, I mean did you seeee how he looked at you!?" Bad says, practically jumping up and down.

"He's not wrong, ya know? He did look at you differently than everyone else, not in a bad way." Skeppy says and then looks down and whispers, "Like the way I look at Bad."

I smirk, guessing nobody heard him. "What was that, Skep?" I say teasingly, he jumps and looks back up to me, "N-nothing! Just talking to myself! Anyways, good on you Dream! It's nice to see my best friend falling in love." Skeppy says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Could say the same thing, Skeppy." I say with a smirk, I knew exactly what I was doing, and I loved it. He looks at me, opening his mouth to say something but stopping himself.

Bad looked at him and back at me and shrugged. "Anyways! That's pretty cool, Dream! Me and Geppy are very happy for you." Bad says gleaming with glee.

"Thanks, Bad." I say with a smile, going back to eating my muffin. I've always loved the way Bad and Skeppy made muffins. It wasn't too hard but wasn't too soft and I adored it.

I remembered the first thing they made when they quit being guards was baking muffins. We were all confused but said nothing of it. They've always been a bit odd, but we loved it.

I mean, who in this world isn't odd?

I smiled at the memory of it. Skeppy and Bad have come so far. One moment they were swinging swords and another they were baking and cooking amazing meals.

Bad and Skeppy have come far with fame of their amazing cooking and baking skills. And to think these guys were in combat only a couple of months ago. No one expected the people in the castle knew of them being guards and their amazing combat skills.

Bad was always good at knife throwing or anything to do with knives, Skeppy was well skilled with an axe. He is who trained me with the axe before he became a baker and cook.

He obviously was great at his job because many people have told me I was pretty good at it for just being a prince. I don't know if they were insults or compliments, but I didn't exactly care.

If I'm being frankly honest, the only person opinion I care about was George's. No one else's. Not my parents, not my people, no one's.

The only opinions I would accept are Sapnap's, Skeppy's, and Bad's because they have shown their opinions bring good outcomes. My people's opinions start fights and my parent's opinions are just to make me some amazing person.

I hated it. But. I faked that I listened to their opinions.

I hated faking things, feelings, life, everything. I had to fake it for this long, but it was becoming harder and harder. I just have to fake it's alright though. The only people that actually figure out my actual feelings are Sapnap, Bad, and Skeppy.

They're the only people I trust with knowing how I feel and they're the only reason I haven't ran away yet. If I didn't have them then I'd probably have run away with George.

But George also had people he had to stay for.

But did he have as many people as Dream did?


Word count: 1,217

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