Chapter 13: Clear the Floor

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~  Clay's POV  ~

Me and George got closer and closer in only 2 hours, we only had around an hour left, making me extremely sad.

How would I be without him?

I knew that the entire time he would be gone I would be dreaming of him. This prince is like a witch, placing this weird feeling on me.

Every time he looked each other in the eyes and the accidental brush of hands from time to time gave me butterflies. George was like a dream; he didn't feel real.

He was beautiful.

I wonder if this amazing prince was feeling the same, again, a wish. How could someone so pretty feel like this way for me? He was amazing and I couldn't take it.

~  George's POV  ~

This prince is killing me, this feeling, it feels like a curse, an amazing curse I didn't want to get rid of. I've been dreaming, thinking of this prince and this wasn't what I was expecting.

He was amazing, he took the cake of all those guesses of what he looked, he was so much better of what I imagined.

If this is a dream, I don't want it to go away.

"Hey, Georgie?" he asked, I hum, looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Do you want to go join Sapnap and Karl dancing?" He questioned, I looked at him with a happy smile and nod.


He grabs my hand excitedly and we head to Karl and Sapnap, dancing happily to the up-beat music. We joined them happily, laughing, filling the air, it felt right, like we all needed to be here tonight.

It all felt right, and I could never be happier... I never wanted it to end, I looked at Dream and he looked back, we both smiled and laughed dancing happily to the new up-beat song.

He felt right, we clicked right away, like we were meant to meet, I never really believed in faith but this? I can't really put my finger on it... A voice stops my thoughts as the music stops.

"Alright everyone!" Dream's mother yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Would you please back away from the dance floor. Dream and George stay where you are."

Everyone moved away from the ball floor, I was confused, Dream confused as well. We stayed at the ball floor like Dream mother said.

"Me and the king and queen of Asterin, decided that my son and Prince George should have a final dance together to end the night!"

Me and Dream look at each other in pure shock, but my mind was doing laps in happiness but confusion.

Only problem: I have no idea how to dance.


Word count: 453

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