Chapter 37: I'm Done With These 'What if's'

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~   George's POV  ~

Around 8 hours has passed since the fight in the dining room. I have been planning on planning so I wouldn't mess this up. I knew if I got caught, I would be done for.

I decided I should check if my cheek bruised because every time, I touched it just a bit it would hurt. I walked over to the mirror and there it was. A small little dark purple and blue mark on my face.

Damn. I knew he slapped me hard but not THAT hard. I pushed down on it and it hurt like hell. I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

I sighed, knowing that I would HAVE to let whoever was at my door in. "Come in." I say, loud enough for that person to hear me. The door creaks open and I hear heels.

My mother. "Hi dear... how's your cheek doing?" my mother asks in a sweet, soft voice. "It's fine, I suppose." I say plain, trying to show I didn't want to talk.

One thing about my mother. She doesn't take hints.

She comes in front of me and gasps, grabbing my face softly and touching my bruise. I winced and she pulled her hand away quickly. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be speaking to your father about this one!" she says, quite obviously fuming.

"Thanks, mom. Sorry, I'm just not in the mood to talk so sorry if I seem different." I say, looking at her with a small smile.

I loved my mom; I just wish she would be a little less protective. She's the only reason why I couldn't go outside. My dad just hates me talking to anyone in general. It's a horrible mix.

"It's fine dear, anyways, dinner should be finished at 6 or 7. Are you going to come and eat?" She says smiling softly. I shake my head 'no', she nods softly, "Alright, dear." she said, walking away.

I look at her as she walks away and as she's closing my door she waves softly and I return the wave, she then leaves the room.

I sighed and looked at my face again. I hope Dream doesn't worry about the bruise, I mean, it's very unlikely. I shake my head and smile softly.

Just have to wait 9 more hours, then I'll see him.

~   Clay's POV  ~

After talking to Bad and Skeppy for hours I finally went to my room, it felt nice to talk to them again. They've been really busy with whatever a baker and a cook does, and I've been busy with prince things.

It was nice to catch up again, I could obviously see something between Skeppy and Bad, anyone would be an idiot if they didn't see what was going on with those two.

I saw how Skeppy looked at Bad, did I look like that when I looked at George? If I did then how soon will it be when people once know what's going on between us?

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. "Prince Clay! Prince Clay!" I heard someone say, I turned and saw one of the maids, Puffy. Puffy was friends with Skeppy and Bad so it made me close to her.

"Hey, Puffy. What's up?" I ask, stopping and waiting for her to catch up. "Hey, sorry it's nothing important, I just can't find Skeppy and Bad anywhere! Do you know where the lovebirds are?" She asked, smiling.

I chuckled at what she said and started speaking, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they said they were heading to the garden after finishing up their work. If they're not in the kitchen then that's where they are." She nods and waves, me waving back.

I smile softly and continue walking to my room. As I was walking back George suddenly popped into my brain, I wasn't surprised, but I didn't care, I liked having him in mind.

But something else popped in my head, a voice, telling me to stay up late tonight. Huh, weird? My gut felt like I should follow the voices orders, so I will.

~   George's POV   ~

It was now 10PM, 4 hours until I snuck out, and if you wanted me to be honest. I was nervous as hell.

What if Dream was asleep? What if he didn't want me there? What if I got caught. No. I won't let these 'what if's' control me anymore. Who cares if I get caught? We'll see when I get to Dream's castle if he's asleep or doesn't want me there.

No more what if's, I just have to wing it and see if it works or not. I sighed happily and grabbed my pocket-watch. 10:43. Time felt like it was going slower and slower by the minute. I wished it would just go faster but I knew I couldn't.

If only I could time travel.

I sighed and shook my head; funny I think time travel is real. I laughed at my thought and stood up, walked over to my desk, and rested into the chair. I grabbed a book and read, maybe the reading would make time feel like it's going faster.

I couldn't tell if the time was going slow because I was nervous or if I was excited. Maybe both? I can't tell...

Oh well, I might as well get rid of my thoughts for a bit and read for a while. I needed a break from my mind for a bit anyways.

The book I was reading was a romantic book, like always. Romantic books always made me feel happy, they always end up being happy in the end. I know it isn't like that in the real world, but I wish it was.

Maybe if it was then I would be with Dream.

I sigh sadly and continue reading, I will try my best to get my happy ending with Dream, no matter what happens.


Word count: 1,009

A/N: guys help pls. my highschool arc is coming soon. save me. i hate it here.

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