Chapter 38: Surprise Visit

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~   George's POV   ~

It was finally time. I was nervous, but so, so ready. I went to my window and unlocked it, the wind gusting into my face and room, I got a hold of the window frame and climbed out, making sure I didn't fall.

After I was out of my room, I grabbed the vines on right and quickly got safe, it was difficult but I somehow managed to do it. I started climbing down the vines as careful as I could. So far, the plan is working perfectly.

My feet finally touched the grass after a few minutes of climbing down the vines. I smiled. I did it! I turned and headed into the forest, I made sure I brought a small dagger in case I needed to defend myself from anything. People, animals, really anything.

There's usually reports of wolves in the forests, we have no idea how they got here but they did. I just hoped I was quick but quiet enough to get out of these forests as fast as I can without getting hurt.

I shook the idea of getting hurt out of my mind, if it happens then I'll be ready. I sighed quietly, it felt nice having the wind on my face once again. The wind was perfect, it wasn't humid, but it was freezing. It felt nice. I smiled contently, I then quickly realized that there could be stars tonight.

I looked up and there they were, my smile just grew bigger and I replayed the night me and Dream were out in the forest, looking at the stars. Just thinking of Dream made my walking quicker. I couldn't wait to see him, I just really, really hope he's not asleep.


After I finally got to the castle I quickly hid, I have no idea where the guards were, and I did NOT come all this way just to get caught by guards. I looked around and I found a balcony with glass doors, showing the inside of the room.

There was a guard near, but to my surprise the guard was... sleeping!? Our guards would be in deep trouble if they were caught sleeping on the job. I shook my head and got back on track of what I came here to do.

I remembered Dream saying his balcony gave him a good view of the stars, so I assumed it was his room. I really hope I'm right. I looked around for a place to climb up and I found vines that lead up to the balcony.

I headed to the vines and gripped them tightly, placing my foot on one of the vines. I started climbing carefully, I quickly found out there were a few thorns on the vines because one cut my hand, making me wince. "Ow, what the hell!" I exclaimed quietly.

I continued to climb up the vines and soon got to the balcony. I swung my legs over the balcony edge and as soon as my legs were on the balcony, I quickly moved my hands to the balcony's edge. I sigh, exhausted from the climbing.


I took a quick breath in and out, I was getting really nervous. I turned around and went to knock on the balcony door but stopped in my tracks, seeing Dream on the edge of his bed, facing the other way of the balcony door. I smiled; thank god I didn't come here for nothing.

I knocked on the balcony door and took off the hood covering most of my face, so Dream knew who it was. Dream's head snapped to the door and stared. Oh yeah, it's dark. He won't see my face.

He quickly stood up and grabbed something, probably a weapon. I put my hands up and he came to the door and soon realized who was at his balcony. He threw the weapon who knows where in the room and rushed to up the balcony doors.

He swung them open "George!?" he exclaimed quietly. "In the flesh." I said back with a smirk. "What the hell are you doing here- George wait, what's that on your face" he asked, cupping my cheek where my bruise was. Oh. I forgot about that.

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