Chapter 8: It's Time

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~  George's POV  ~

I woke up, groaning. Man, I really needed that nap I was exhausted but got up anyways, I checked my watch, damnit.

I stared at the pocket watch showing the time 5:21PM. "Are you serious! I was supposed to wake up at 2PM!" I say, scolding myself. I then realized, 2 hours.

2 hours.

I have 2 hours to get ready.

I practically sprint around my room, getting ready. I take off the clothes I fell asleep in and changed into a dark blue suit. I fluffed my hair, making it a little messy but still a bit neat.

As soon as I finished, and I heard a knock on my door. Good timing huh?

(This is an example of what the suit looks like, you can imagine this or a different suit. It's up to you:] )

"Come in!" I yelled, knowing it's probably Karl or my mother and to my suspicion I was right

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"Come in!" I yelled, knowing it's probably Karl or my mother and to my suspicion I was right.

Karl comes in wearing a dark purple suit and his hair ruffled, this is the first time I've seen Karl so fancy looking.

"Hey Karl! You look great dude!" I said happily, I mean this is the first time I haven't seen him in armor or any casual clothes!

Karl has the biggest smile on his face, obviously excited for the party, "Thanks Gogy! Not too bad yourself."

Karl stops to wiggle his eyebrows, starting up his sentence again "Anyways! Your parents want you downstairs soon!"

(This is basically what Karl's suit looks like, but the under shirt is black, so imagine the white is black! Again, if you want to imagine something different then thats cool!)

(This is basically what Karl's suit looks like, but the under shirt is black, so imagine the white is black! Again, if you want to imagine something different then thats cool!)

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"Alright, tell them I'll be down soon!" I say, with a smile on my face, Karl nods and leaves the room. I put on my black dress shoes and fluff my hair a little more, doing a little of last-minute touch-ups.

I rushed out of my room and headed the dining room, just to wait and discuss how and what to do. I mostly get re-taught on how to be the most 'perfect' prince by my parents the entire time until it's 7:36.

It starts at exactly 8PM and my parents said it takes around 19 minutes to get there from the path in the forest, so we should probably get there around 7:55PM.

We walk out of the castle, starting to walk on the path. My mind is filled with thoughts as my body is being filled with excitement but anxiety.

Who knew someone you never met would make you feel like this, scared but... ready?


Word count: 440

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