Chapter 15: After Party

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~  George's POV  ~

I stared at Dream, we were so close, it felt intimate, but we weren't doing anything bad just dancing. So why did it feel intimate?

We were just getting lost in each other and holding each other close, I didn't want this moment to end.

The odd feeling, I felt got stronger somehow.

Our hands intertwined, bodies so very close to each other, us both staring into our eyes.

We stopped dancing and stayed in the position for a few moments, we startled, noticing the music stopped from hearing a nervous chuckle from somewhere in the room.

We backed away from each other quickly, blushing our faces off. We looked down and then looked at each other again.

God, what is he doing to me?

We smiled at each other nervously, we looked at Dream's mother speaking again, "Well, the party will be ending soon.

Guests will leave in a few moments, so get ready to leave." she paused, motioning for Karl, Sapnap, Dream, and me to come to the throne.

She speaks in a hushed tone but enough for all of us to hear her, "We have decided that we are going to extend this and have a dinner party, just us.

Bad and Skeppy will be cooking, I hope you have heard of those two." We all nod, I mean how wouldn't know Skeppy and Bad!?

They are the best cook and baker known, but right now Bad and Skeppy weren't on my mind.

I get to have more time with Dream.

I get to see him longer.

I wanted to cry in happiness, I got to see him longer. I know it wouldn't be long since it's just a little dinner party.

But it didn't matter.

Even if it was 30 minutes, that was 30 more minutes with Dream.


Word count: 307

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