Chapter 24: What are These Odd Feelings?

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~ George's POV ~

I woke up and the first thing I thought of was Dream. Man, this guy made me obsessed with him, didn't he? The thing he said ringed in my mind since last night.

'Think about me every night and day until we see each other.' Did he think I would forget him? It would be impossible to forget him.

My mind wandered to imagining how it would be if we met sooner and where I would be with him if I met him sooner.

Would we be friends right now if we met sooner? Would we be... something more than friends? It's a weird thought to think about.

I opened my window to feel the breeze on my face to try and cool down. I still couldn't see the sky, but I knew it was day since the forest was lit up, even if it was nighttime, I wouldn't be able to wish.

I used to find it weird to wish on a star but ever since last night and that moment with Dream it changed a lot of things about me.

If wishing on a star can get me and Dream to see each other faster than I might as well try it.

~ Clay's POV ~

Ever since I woke up, I was thinking of George, well, it was off and on.

It was either me thinking of George or me thinking of how and when I can get to see George. I wanted and needed to see George again. I'm stressing out my own mind...

I sat on my bed, thinking. I missed him so much, I just wanted to hug him and give him forehead kisses, not just forehead kisses, just kisses everywhere.

I felt something wet going down my face and realized I was crying. I got no time for crying, I wiped my tears quickly, but they kept coming.

It's hard to adjust now because he isn't around, he's like a drug that I can't get over. I'm addicted to him and I can't get enough... I have to figure out what this feeling is before I explode.

Last night, every single shooting star I saw to see him again. Before that night all the shooting stars I saw went to finally meet someone new that isn't Sapnap, the other guards, Skeppy and Bad, maids, or my parents.

Someone that is new to get to know that I didn't see around the castle every day. He was the first new person I've gotten to know in a while, and the first person to make me feel these weird feelings that I didn't know if I hated or loved.

The feeling was confusing, it was like every time I thought of him, last night, and just seeing him made me feel happy and made my stomach feel weird, like... butterflies?

But I hated it because he wasn't here to make me feel those butterflies, instead of the butterflies I got tears, and that's why I hated but loved the feeling. It hurts but I don't want it to end ever.

I sighed and decided I needed to get my mind on something else. I went to my bookshelf and got a book, handed over to my desk and started reading.

It was an interesting book but then something happened in the book. They fell in love. Was that the feeling I was having?

No, it couldn't be, it was too fast, but... it felt like that.


Or was it lust?

Or confusion?

No, I didn't only think about doing things with George, I thought about being together doing things like going out to a market together, traveling, running around the castle hallways together, and many more things.

It couldn't be lust, or I would be thinking about him in a different way, I mean I did dream of him like that, but I then dreamt of us in that flower field and going to the lake looking at the stars last night also.

I don't think it was confusion either because my heart wanted to say that I loved him, but my mind said it was a bad idea, and you know what everyone says 'follow your heart.'

Maybe I do love him? I seriously need to figure out these feelings quickly, and soon before I get more confused.

So, the only question that will be in my mind is: Do I love George?


Word count: 743

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