Chapter 34: Goodbye Kiss

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~   Clay's POV   ~

Tonight, has been successful AND one of the best. I snuck out without getting caught, George was surprisingly awake, we hugged, we kissed, and now we're cuddling.

As much as I wanted tonight to continue, I knew it couldn't, time was sadly going fast. The first time we checked the time it was 3:15 and now it's 3:38, I would have to leave at 4:00.

I didn't want to though.

I wanted to stay here with George. Cuddle him, hug him, whisper sweet nothings, random forehead, and cheek kisses. But I knew I couldn't.

I knew George wanted the same, but I knew, no. We both knew we couldn't, as much as we wished and hoped we could. We wouldn't be able to.

Now that I have him here with me again, I didn't want to let him go. But I had to. I wanted to but I had to. I had to leave, or my entire kingdom would lose it.

My parents, my people, the guards, the maids, Sapnap. The only one who kept me from just running away and never coming back was Skeppy, Bad, and of course Sapnap.

My parents wouldn't care, they would only care because I'm the only child. The maids and guards would care but only because of my parents.

My people would only care because my parents did, but them? Skeppy, Bad, and Sapnap were my only friends and I was theirs. Skeppy and Bad have each other but Sapnap?

Sapnap doesn't talk to Skeppy and Bad, which makes me his only best friend. His childhood friend running away? It would break him.

So as much as I want to run away. I can't. And George can't either. We both know we could, but we do have people here that would lose it.

I'm not sure who George has that isn't Karl and his mother. It doesn't seem like his father would care; he was distant with George at the party.

I shouldn't assume though.


"Dream, I'm really, really going to miss you" I hear George whisper in a sad tone, I look down and see him frowning a bit. "I'm going to miss you too Georgie, but don't worry."

"I will make sure to see you once more, okay? I promise." I say cupping his cheeks lifting his head up, he smiles sadly. "I believe you, since you didn't break your first promise."

He then cuddles into my chest, causing me to smile. This feels so right, and I love it. Love. Is that what I'm feeling for him? I think so.

I check the time. 3:56AM. I sigh and George looks up, "3:56" is all I say, he frowns. "Can't we just run? I don't want to leave you."

"You know I want to, Georgie, but we can't. I can't and neither can you." I say, frowning. He looks down and let's go of me. I grab my bag and I head over to the window.

I start climbing out the window and as soon as I'm out, I feel someone grab my face and kiss me. It's George. I kiss back. A goodbye for now kiss.

He pulls back, smiling sadly. "I'll miss you Dream... I.." he pauses, "You know... I really like you Dream."

I smile sadly too, I let one of my hands cup his cheek as my other hand grips on the vines, so I don't fall. "I really like you too, George." He kisses once more, lasting a bit longer than the last.

He pulls back again, "Goodbye Dream, for now."

"Goodbye for now, George." I say with an upset but hopeful smile, he returns it and he back away from the window and I start climbing down the vines.


I made it to the ground and start heading back to my castle smiling. I was sad but I was happy I could see George and everything that happened tonight.

He just made it 10x harder for me to stop thinking about him.

Should I tell Sapnap about this? I feel like I should. He would get so, so pissed but he has a right to know. He's my best friend, he should know.

I'm going to have to think about it.

But for now, I think about getting back to the castle without getting caught and going to sleep.

I check the time 4:18. I should be close since I was speed walking, well, speed walking as quiet as I could. I could see the flowers in the back of the castle because of how close I was.

I finally make it to the castle and make sure that no one is around or awake. Perfect. Everyone's still out. I quietly head to the vines to climb up to my balcony.

I surprisingly climbed up the vines without almost falling, which was quite an achievement. I sigh and get into comfortable clothing, throwing the bag on the ground.

I went over to my bed and get in it, sighing a happy but sad sigh.

I'm going to miss you Georgie, but don't worry. I will see you soon. Goodnight. I... I love you.


Word count: 869

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