Chapter 28: Day One

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~  Clay's POV  ~

It was around 8PM, meaning that my parents should be sending Sapnap or one of the maids to fetch me for dinner.

I would eat dinner and then I would start studying my parents movements, I wasn't worried about my parents morning movements; I was more worried about the night movements since I would be sneaking out at night.

As if someone was reading my thoughts before, a maid knocks on the door. I turned to see one of the maids, signaling for her to go ahead and open the door.

She opens the door cautiously, "Hello Prince Clay, the king and queen want you down for dinner!" she said with a nervous smile.

I nodded and she left the room, wandering who knows where. I start getting ready for dinner, doing the same as always.


I went down to the dining room; my parents were quiet which was expected. I went to where I usually sat and began to eat.

"So, son how was your day?" My dad asked, making my mom look at me, waiting for my answer.

I looked at my dad, mustering up a fake smile. "It was really good; I read a lot of books and went to the training room to improve my combat skills!"

I mostly lied, I mean I did read and went to improve my combat skills, but I was also planning, but he didn't need to know that.

He nodded and smiled, then he went back to eating. We all ate in silence; it would be uncomfortable for anyone if they weren't used to this, but I was.

We finished eating and my mother started speaking, "Okay, me and your father will be heading to bed, goodnight Clay." She stated, getting up from her seat, my father following her.

Now is the time.


I waited for them to leave the dining room, as soon as they did, I snuck to a wall, gluing myself to it to make sure I wasn't seen.

I peeked and saw them walking to the stairs, I kept looking until they made it upstairs. As soon as they did, I went up the stairs as quietly as I could, hiding myself behind a wall.

I peeked around the corner once again and saw them head into their bedroom room. They had a bathroom in their room which was a plus for me.

I ran as quietly as I could to the wall near their room, I looked around for maids. None in sight. Good.

I waited for a few hours; I brought my pocket watch to know what time it was. 12AM. I decided to check. I snuck over to their door.

I was open like I expected, they said that their door is always open just in case there was something bad to happen. I peeked into the pitch-black room and my parents were asleep.



I headed to my room and marked the time on a piece of paper, smiling at how good I did. I mean I knew I was good at sneaking around but that was forever ago, so I was worried I lost it.

Luckily, I didn't, or I would've gotten many questions. I went to my balcony to look at the stars before I went to sleep. I saw a shooting star and lit up; I made my usual new wish.

'I wish and hope George feels the way I feel for him.'

~  George's POV  ~

I knew I couldn't wish on the stars, but I did wish in my brain. It was the same two things.

'I wish to see Dream again' and

'I hope Dream feels the way that I feel for him'

I know it's cliché, but I didn't care. Those were the only things I wanted, I usually hoped to one day be free, but I found Dream and I felt... free but with another feeling.


Again! I know, cliché, but again. I didn't care.

I sighed and got up from my chair, heading to my dresser. I pulled out a blue shirt as usual and some pants. I quickly got changed and headed over to my bed, practically sinking into it.

I laid there for a while, thinking, and thinking. It only took me a few moments to actually get tired, I dove under my covers and got comfortable, I was ready to end this day.

I thought way too much today that I was exhausted, I mean, what more did have to think and read?

Karl was busy with guard things again today, he said he would finally be free to hang out the day after tomorrow, which relieved me. I need to do something that isn't reading and thinking.

I yawned, tear pricking at the corners of my eyes due to the yawn. I turned to my side and started dozing off.

Before I actually fell asleep, I decided to say something that really no one would really hear.

'I miss you, Clay. I can't wait to see you again, whenever that is.'


Word count: 847

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