Chapter 14: Sway

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~  Clay's POV  ~

"What?" me and George questioned in unison. I had no idea we were going to dance! I mean, I wasn't complaining...

"Well, we and Clay's parents decided that you two should have a dance to get closer, we wanted to surprise you two!" George's mother exclaimed happily.

My mind was going crazy, a dance?

With George?

We looked at each and hesitantly but excitedly got into position to dance, I knew my face was on fire. George looked down and whispered, like he was ashamed.

"I don't know how to dance..." I stared down, only seeing his hair, I was a bit shocked; a prince not knowing how to dance?

I didn't judge, I found it a bit... cute. "Don't worry, just follow my lead." I say smiling softly, he looks up with happy eyes and a sweet smile.

This guy is like a drug...

~  George's POV  ~

I felt my face warm up at his words, looking up with a smile. He was so close...

I didn't expect this when I found out about this party but I'm not complaining. I was actually happy to get closer to him.

I could see him way better. The music starts and he leads me, looking down at my feet following his.


(Play 'Sway' by Michael Buble if you want to imagine it better, you may need to pause a bit to read :} )

When marimba rhythms start to play. Dance with me, make me sway. Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more.

I look up seeing Clay, well Dream, looking at me, his face red with a smile.

Due to me looking up we stumbled a bit and I looked down quickly at my feet again to make sure we didn't mess up again.

Like a flower bending in the breeze. Bend with me, sway with ease. When you dance, you have a way with me. Stay with me, sway with me.

I suddenly feel my face being lifted by Dream's finger, I startled for a moment and then smile, my blush becoming even more apparent.

Other dancers may be on the floor. Dear, but my eyes will see only you. Only you have that magic technique, when we sway, I go weak.

I can hear the sounds of violins. Long before it begins. Make me thrill as only you know how. Sway me smooth, sway me now.

I looked at Dream's face looking at every little detail I missed.

He had the cutest freckles scattered along his nose and cheeks, his cheeks pink from blushing, and his eye's, at this point I blocked out the music.

"What color are your eyes?" I ask, not even processing before blurting it out.

~  Clay's POV  ~

I stare at him, wondering if he's joking for a minute, I realize he isn't. "They're green." I say with a confused smile.

He looks like he regrets what he said and looks down, "Sorry, I'm colorblind." he says.

Oh my god, I feel like an idiot.

I processed what he said and lifted his chin again, "Don't be sorry, George, it's not your fault, it's not like you asked to be colorblind." I say with a small smile.

I want to kiss him.

Wait, what?

He gives me a smile and somehow gets closer to me "Thank you for not making fun of me..." George whispers.

"I would never make fun of you, George" I whisper, it was so quiet, but he heard me, giving me a smile, a genuine happy smile.

I blush even more, how can one person make me feel this way. How?

He makes me feel a different kind of happy, not one I feel with Sapnap.

A happiness that stabs at my brain and heart. I hate it but at the same time I love it so much. More than anything.

What is this feeling?

I don't know but I don't want it to go away.

We continue to dance to the music. I never want this moment to end, I feel like I'm in Heaven. He's magical.

He's even better than I imagined. I don't want him to leave. I want him to stay here forever, in my arms. We've only met 3 hours ago, and I'm attached, how did he do it?

(If you're listening to the original song skip to 2:34 and if you're listening to a slowed version of the song skip to 3:10)

When marimbas start to play.

I want to see him again

Hold me close, make me sway.

I NEED to see him again.

Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore.

What is he doing to me?

Hold me close, sway me more. Like a flower bending in the breeze, bend with me, sway with ease.

I knew this prince would have a big impact on me, but not this much.

When we dance, you have a way with me. Stay with me, sway with me.

I want him here with me. I need him here with me.


Word count: 844

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